Every time Father Frank Bwalya  finds new friends he abandons us, Cries Fred M’membe



The decision to relieve selected individuals from their  party positions has been done in the best interest of the party. And in doing so, the party is not in any way trying to maligning any of those who have been relieved of their positions or those that have left.

As a matter of fact, we sincerely wish those who have left the party well in their future endeavors. Similarly, we wish those who have chosen to burn bridges by maligning us like Mr Frank Bwalya all the best. Like I have said before, Mr Bwalya has been in and out of my life and that of my wife for quite some time now, but today he speaks ill of us. 

And this is not the first time, every time he finds new friends he abandons us. But we know that tomorrow he will again come back and we will still welcome him.
It is also worth mentioning that while a few individuals have been relieved of their party positions, a few others have resigned, but more importantly, many Zambians from all walks of life continue to join the SP.

We are not in a crisis! And the SP is not crumbling. In fact, the SP keeps getting stronger than ever before. There is no corner of this county, one will visit today without noticing our footprints. SP is the party of choice for the people who want real change in our country.

Fred M’membe


  1. A pity its not only Father Bwalya who has ditched you so stop worrying about one man or do you just want to divert attention from the enmasse departure of your 200 members?

  2. Fred’s weakness lies in personalizing matters. He needs to change strategy and start focusing on issues not personalities. It’s always HH this HH that, and not issues. When he differs with PF Fred starts attacking the character PF persona he has differed with and not the policies of PF. Fred differs with Frank Bwalya, instead of avering the cause of the rift to differences in ideology or policy but Fred insinuates that Bwalya has unstable Mind.
    PF tried to demonize HH while in opposition even reaching very low levels of alleging that once elected HH would sell Victoria falls but Zambians rejected the nonsense of maligning people and voted for him. Fred needs to learn to focus on issues and not people’s characters to grow his party.


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