12th September, 2023

TRUTH be told………. The following are facts of what transpired in Ndola regarding the thanksgiving prayer meeting which was unfortunately blocked by the Police. We feel for the Police who sometimes continue to work under unnecessary political pressure making them look unprofessional.

1. The Ndola City Ministers Platform, a known fraternal of ministers of the gospel duly registered in accordance with the laws of Zambia and has been meeting weekly called for a thanksgiving prayer meeting focused on four Christian National pillars. This meeting was for Pastors and Church leaders only.

2. Church stakeholders in the City had welcomed the idea to pray as planned. The Church mother bodies in the City were fully briefed and did support the idea.

3. The Police were informed and invited accordingly. Initially the Police did agree on 7th September, 2023 with the organisers that the meeting was important and committed to providing security.

4. The invitation was extended to Pastors across the City. The Provincial Minister was fully aware and got official invitation. The guest of honour was to be the former 6th head of state ECL for reasons that were clearly explained to the Police.

5. The venue was to be UCZ St Andrews Town Centre Ndola from 10hrs to 14hrs.

6. The official program was shared with all stakeholders including the Police, well discussed, guided and agreed.

7. Suddenly a day before on 8th September, 2023 a named senior Police officer at division called for a meeting with the organisers at which he first requested to postpone the meeting due to alleged security concerns but struggled to clearly explain when asked by the men of God.

8. The organisers picked information that some party officials had moved in to influence the blocking of the prayer meeting. The men of God did advise the Police to remain professional.

9. On the day of prayer Saturday 9th September, 2023, it shocked the servants of God and the Nation to see the Church surrounded by heavy presence of Police with riot gear. Some Pastors were mishandled in the process and a wedding scheduled at Church before the prayer program was disturbed.

10. Five key Church leaders were marked for arrest on flimsy grounds a thing which failed. The reported “Rev”……. alleged to have been arrested is a false narrative as no Reverend was arrested, we challenge any one on this item. Police arrested a free-lance journalist named Chileshe Charles and thought they had arrested one of the targeted senior Clerics. The devil is a liar.

11. The organisers upon seeing the confusion arising from conflicting statements by the Police did advise their guest ECL who had landed and picked from the airport to humbly return back to Lusaka who gladly heeded and was driven by road. ECL had a flight scheduled for about 18hrs but couldn’t wait for long hours hence going by road.

12. The organisers later asked Police to allow the meeting to proceed without ECL but Police refused and said they had strict instructions to not allow any of the prayer program to happen.

Country men and women;
It is extremely sad the times we are living in where prayer meetings can be stopped for no justifiable reasons and those in public office conflicting with the Church. It must be stated that the program was not for UCZ. UCZ was only gracious to grant the organisers of the event use of the venue and non of the UCZ Clerics was involved in the organising of the program. The spirit of the meeting was simply about thanksgiving prayers and to prepare the Body of Christ in Ndola for NDoP slated for 18th October, 2023. ECL was invited in his capacity as former head of state who has since retired from active politics. ECL has never come out in the open that he is back to active politics. Continued disturbance on ECL may make him popular and tempted to come back, seeing that even when he is simply jogging it’s creating discomfort for some people raising sympathy for him. Please let’s promote love, peace and unity in Zambia. Let’s work on reducing the cost of living the greatest enemy we all face today. The Church remains open to working with all political stakeholders and will support the Government of the day always regardless of the party in office.

We call upon the Church in the City and indeed on the Copperbelt to continue praying for leaders in authority and the Police to serve better all citizens, observing the rule of law and not the rule of men. Have blessed day.

Rev Chilekwa M
Ndola, Zambia


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