Former ACC Chairman Musa Mwenye Responds  Seeking Retraction from Hon Mabeta



Former Board Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Musa Mwenye SC has threatened to immediately take legal action against Kankoyo Member of Parliament, Hon Heartson Mabeta for alleging that he plotted to solicit for a $3million in the CEC Vs KCM Matter.

Mabeta also alleged that Mr. Mwenye threatened Judge Charles Kafunda who was handling the matter.

But Mr. Mwenye has demanded for immediate retraction and a suitable apology for the defamatory statement from Mabeta or he will face legal action.

Lawyers for Mr. Mwenye, Mwenye & Mwitwa Advocates, have written the demands to Hon. Mabeta.

“At no time has our client ever demanded a commission from the Copperbelt Energy Company Plc nor has he, in his man years of practice as a lawyer, ever intimidated any judge or adjudicator.”

“These allegations have been made maliciously and without evidence whatsoever,
especially considering that our client has practiced law successfully for the past 25 years without any blemish or ever being punished or sanctioned by the Law Association of Zambia.”

“Our client is a senior lawyer and State Counsel, having served as Law Association of Zambia President, Solicitor General, Attorney General and recently as ACC Board Chairperson.”

Below is the letter;

RE :Demand for a retraction and apology for DEFAMATORY STATEMENT AGAINST MUSA MWENYE, SC

We act for Mr. Musa Mwenye, SC kindly therefore note our interest.

In your Facebook post of the 21st of July, 2024, you published a social media post in which you alleged that our client attempted to irregularly get US$3 million commission from
Copperbelt Energy Company PIc, a Public Limited Company which is held to the highest
standards of ethical behaviour.

You also maliciously and falsely allege in your post that our client intimidated Mr. Justice Charles Kafunda.

At no time has our client ever demanded a commission from the Copperbelt Energy Company Plc nor has he, in his man years of practice as a lawyer, ever intimidate any judge or adjudicator. These allegations have been made maliciously and without evidence whatsoever, especially considering that our client has practiced law successfully for the past 25 years without any blemish or ever being punished or sanctioned by the Law Association of Zambia.

Our client is a senior lawyer and State Counsel, having served as Law Association of Zambia President, Solicitor General and Attorney-General and more recently as Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission Board of Directors.

Our client has been ratified three times by
Parliament without any reservations whatsoever and serves on reputable international corporate boards and has conducted international duties for the Commonwealth at various times.

Our client has therefore had an unblemished career and your accusations maliciously cast
aspersions upon our client.

In the premises, we demand an apology in text acceptable to our client, within the next following 24 hours, failure to which our clients will seek redress in the courts of law.
Yours faithfully


  1. Have you seen now. We told you that they will insult and scandalize you. Anyway that careless article is an opportunity to grab his gratuity

    • What graduity? Who told you he was an employee? A Board position is not an executive position bwana. You get an allowance for sitting at Board Meeting chapwa…ku konda ndalama zama hala Ama George….learn and know the facts

  2. If I were Mwenya, I would spill the beans. I am sure he has proof of corruption starting from the very top. Do not allow the conman to gag siting confidetiality. Just spill the beans. The whole country, except some Zambezi dwellers, will believe you. We know they are corrupt, we just want to know the entire scale of it.

    A vote for the conman is a vote for corruption.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  3. This is typically who UPND responds to those who happen to leave their inner circle. Look at who everyone has been demonised and called names. Good people always give a good send off . Now if Sued the case will drag on as it will be allocated to a judge from Zambezi region as we have seen and observed in the current administration / judiciary

  4. Indigo Tryol as usual too much tribal sh*t in your toxic submission. It is not you who created Zambezi people iwe PF Ndoshi yakanthu! Your Edgar Lungu will never come back to power again PF Nkumba iwe. You are even failing to type the correct name. Too much PF Sins in you Mbuzi iwe for hating innocent people.


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