YouIt is sad to note that former Justice Minister Given Lubinda is exhibiting symptoms of memory loss let alone fooling Zambians by alleging that republican president His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema and his government have failed to create employment for the youths in the country. Mr. Lubinda also alleged that the UPND government has contracted a $6 Billion debt which is not known how it has been spent.

Mr. Lubinda’s rhetoric during his presser was confirmation that he has developed some mental sickness for which he needs mental test by medical experts.

How, in all sanity could Mr. Lubinda pretend that he has forgotten it was the Patriotic Front that announced employment freeze and wage freeze in parliament through Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu? To the contrary, the UPND has recruited 39,428 teachers in two years, 14,276 health workers, 4,500 in Defence, over 2500 under Local government, over 250 under ZRA, over 150 under Immigration, over 100 under Zesco.

Private sector jobs stand at 13,632 in the manufacturing industry, 9,432 in the mining sector, 8,396 in the Agriculture sector, 7,252 in the transport sector, 1,062 in the construction sector, 8,382 under services, 1,802 in the energy sector, 475 in the Tourism sector, 159 in ICT, 106 in Real Estate, and these are opportunities Mr. Lubinda who was making retiree spend nights in the cold at his office and Edgar Lungu failed to create under PF government.

Additionally, over 2,800 cooperatives have been given grants creating over 50,000 jobs for the SMEs.

The of over 13,632 jobs in the manufacturing sector alone is clear testimony of stability in the economic indicators, the political stability, and the improved fight against corruption under the UPND government in which our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) improved from negative two under the PF to over two percent under the UPND leadership in two years.

Mr. Lubinda and Edgar Lungu through the PF subjected over 34000 council workers to hunger by not paying them their salaries of seven to 15 months, including 258,000 farmers who were owed money by Food Reserve Agency.

The much praised Edgar Lungu and the failed to pay TAZARA workers and former TAZAMA workers their dues which money has been paid off by UPND government.

How can Mr. Lubinda forget that the PF government was failing to pay UNZA, CBU and other PUBLIC Universities salaries which is no longer the case under the UPND leadership?

I wish to remind Mr. Lubinda and his minions that the PF failed to sustain students’ meal allowances and scrapped them off which allowances have been reinstated by the UPND government.

Under the PF many companies were closing due to economic instability a situation which led to youths working in these private sector companies lose jobs.

Indeni Oil Refinery was closed indefinitely, Mopani Copper Mines collapsed and Konkola Copper Mines went through liquidation resulting in over 7000 citizens on the Copperbelt sent into joblessness.

I wish to advise Mr. Lubinda Given to sober up and stop fooling the Zambians over things they failed to do during the PF 10 years mandate the PF was given to rule Zambia.

Issued by:

Godfrey Kamangu


  1. He has amnesia, he quickly forgets about the past. UPND has done a lot of things in two and half years which PF failed to do in seven years.

  2. Kamangu needs to go for a course in Public Relations. This is not a civil press release fit for a ruling party’s official communique. It is straight from used newspapers spiked in pit latrines for toilet tissue paper. Kamangu thinks its Lubinda who told Sishuwa Sichuwa to publicly request HH to go for a mental check up so he is hitting back. What a poor job!

  3. This is a Upnd provincial secretary and talking on issues at national level. Who availed these fake figures because he’s not custodian of national statistics! This is how people display their dullness. And please employing 14,000 health workers is not job creation because those jobs are already existing in the government jobs establishment. This Mr. Godfrey Kamangu does not understand micro and macro economics! Employing defence personnel, how does that contribute to the growth economy, directly! And because of politics of appeasement, the government is now having difficulties to pay monthly civil servant salaries. So it’s not a matter of employing Zambians, Hichilema and his government should look at how productive or unproductive those sectors are! Not just announcing that they are employing 50,000 defence personnel , who will just be on the consumption side of the economy! Free advise.


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