God chose me to be president at a difficult time knowing we would carry this load – Hichilema


God chose me to be president at a difficult time knowing we would carry this load – Hichilema

PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema has reiterated that drought is associated with history referring to the time in the bible where the children of Israel had seven years of plenty and seven years of hunger.

Officiating at yesterday’s Lwiindi Gonde Ceremony of the Tonga people, President Hichilema made these remarks to comfort the nation that the current problems are only but temporal.

He stated that the drought is not even the issue but how Government is responding to the matter.

“Government has responded by declaring this drought as a disaster and emergency meaning that we will have to feed all the citizens affected by the drought. That’s why we are working hard to reverse the maize to the depot so people can get their maize near their homes,” revealed President Hichilema.

“Government is working hard to drill more boreholes. We are preparing for the next drought by increasing our resilience. We are working hard to harvest the water and getting ready to distribute fertiliser for this coming season.”

The President added that Government will ensure that the meteorological department provides accurate information concerning rainfall patterns for the next season.

President Hichilema urged the public to work in conjunction with the Government in order to alleviate the suffering of the nation.

“Laziness is not acceptable even in the bible, let’s work hard for our people. We will do more to deliver development. God chose me to be president at a difficult time because He knew we would carry this load for the people of Zambia,” he said.

He assured the country that brighter days are coming and farmers should start the next farming season early.

By Catherine Pule

Kalemba, July 2, 2024


  1. Indeed Mr President you came on presidency at the time things are bad in the whole world talk about wars and drought due to climate change.But God knows you will be able to handle the challenge of hunger.Those who are seriously affected are being supplied with food and some are given some money to help them buy food.Pregnant mothers, those living with disabilities and many other people are helped.This drought experience will pass and we shall be fine.This coming rain season will be ok definitely do let farmers do it again.The secret is to plant early.Mr President I request your government to pay all retirees of government waiting for their retirement packages quickly so that they may go back to the land and grow more food.Mr President allow all those former civil servants who have been resettled in different resettlement schemes by the Vice President ‘s office and are not fully paid register them selves with office of district administrators and facilitate their payments so that they produce food in their farms .Repossessing of land of farmers who have not developed their farms when they are not fully paid their gratuities must be discouraged.Civil Servants were retired either on national interest or voluntary to attain HIPIC completion point in 1998 and 2000 have not been paid their money even after court ruled in their favour.The attorney General ‘s office is aware of this matter.Those retirees can become good farmers so Mr President through your office kindly take over this matter or throw it to the Vice President to handle .

  2. This time around the Southern province formula has been our focus copy and cut 2026 the northern and eastern regions will delivery the weapons of massive destruction and those who boasts it’s our time to run the most tribal administration will run like a rat scared of cat.

    • Strange, you want to replace almost tribal administration” with a “northern and eastern regions” one. The PF formula. True what they say that who feels it (tribalism) knows. Instead of correcting the perceived wrong some people want to return the country to the cutthroat tribalism of PF. What a shame!

  3. Astonishing claim: “God chose me to be President at a very difficult time.” This assertion not only smacks of delusion but also reeks of desperate attempts to justify a tenure marred by incompetence and mismanagement.

    • Is Zambian not a so called Christian Nation? Don’t Christians claim that all authority come from God and that leaders are chosen by God. Oh I forgot this statement does not hold because HH does not come from the northern and Eastern regions. Hypocrites!

  4. You came into power and found Food reserves of not only Maize but also Groundnuts, Soya beans, and sorghum…and well, you decided to sell them and plunged the country into the worst food crisis ever seen in the country…

    Yes, you found elaborate, well designed agro programs in the agricultural sector…you disrupted everything, giving Jungulo fertilizer contracts which he couldn’t manage…and the agricultural sector became a mess.

    Yes ,you found Energy Generation capacity Increased from 1000MW in 2011 to 3,500 MW in 2021, against our consumption of 2,200 MW. Well you started over generating and exporting electricity from 2022 , depleting our water reserves and plunging the country into total darkness in 2024.

    You found adequate Drugs and Medicines in Hospital. Well , you cancelled all contracts and caused massive shortages and deaths in government hospitals .

    Yes, You found a Zambia at peace with it’s neighbors. Well, you have caused problems with our southern neighbor Zimbabwe , and an international proxy conflict can occur.

    You found Zambia with KCM and Mopani in it’s hands. Well, you surrendered the mines back to foreigners.

    You found a multi party democratic dispensation with democratic Institutions. You want to deseminate our democratic Institutions through useless Mingalatos..and turn Zambia into a dictatorship with sham elections.

    Yes you found a Zambia at peace with each other, where tribe was invisible…well, you have fractured the country, through regionalism, where even children are being made conscious of Tribe.

    You found Zambia, endowed with land and natural resources, well you want to sell our land , our heritage to foreigners!

    What can one say about your leadership?
    Your incompetence is there for any one to see. Don’t even involve God …

    You are a total failure.


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