Examinations Council of Zambia (ECZ)


Lusaka– The Ministry of Education, led by Minister Daglus Siakalima, has released the 2024 examination results, marking a significant achievement by publishing them just four weeks after the exams concluded. This is the first time the results have been issued so promptly, reflecting the government’s efforts to streamline processes and ensure timely announcements.

According to Siakalima, the examiners received their allowances before the results were released, addressing the long-standing issue of delayed compensation. This measure was introduced to improve working conditions for the examiners and ensure their dedication to the examination process.

A total of 119,928 candidates registered for the Junior Secondary Examination (JSE), with girls making up 56.82% of the candidates and boys accounting for 43.18%. Of those, 72.23% passed at least one subject. The absenteeism rate for the JSE dropped to 5.62%, a 0.79% improvement compared to 2023.

For the General Certificate of Education (GCE), there were 149,920 candidates, representing a 1.55% increase from the previous year. Among those who sat for the exams, 75.38% passed at least one subject. The absenteeism rate also saw a reduction to 7.89%, a decrease of 0.5% compared to 2023.

The highest pass rate across all subjects was recorded in French at 81.4%, while Pre-Tech had the lowest pass rate at 15%.

In a notable achievement, both the 2024 Union School external and GCE examinations were conducted without any leakages, preserving the integrity of the examination process. However, the Minister confirmed that instances of malpractice occurred, with three cases confirmed and seven more suspected, affecting a total of 5,874 candidates.

As a result, the Examination Council of Zambia has withheld the results of 205 candidates involved in individual malpractice cases and nullified the results for 116 candidates. Additionally, the GCE examination center status of eight centers has been suspended due to these malpractices.

The government reaffirmed its zero-tolerance stance on examination malpractice, with Siakalima warning that strict legal actions will be taken against offenders. “We will not tolerate any behavior that undermines the integrity of our education system,” he stated.

Candidates are able to access their results via SMS or through the Examination Council of Zambia’s online portal starting in September 2024.


  1. The State should have no role to play in what is strictly a matter between a person and his Creator FULL STOP. The role of the State is to execute justice between human beings, care for the widows and orphans and all who are mendicant poor or who by extreme of age cannot take care of themselves. This is what the State should be concerned about. We have gone a long way fighting against gender discrimination, but we are beginning to fall back again when a person declares a gender that does not fit into our 1.2 Litre box on top of our necks.

  2. Here we go again.. Another so called first by this government…It’s like there was no Zambia before 12th August, 2021.

    269, 848 candidates means 269,848 scripts in 20 days reflecting 13, 492 scripts per day,
    1687 scripts per Hour or 28 scripts per minute assuming 1 person was doing the marking.
    I don’t know the number of markers who were engaged, and if there was any proof reading, quality control mechanisms.
    Some times as we chase targets ,let’s look at work study methods so that we know how many scripts per hour a human being can effectively mark…other wise we will compromise the standards of whatever is coming from ECZ. These are examinations, and not class exercises where one can just scribble red ink any how..We know we have a Praise Addict at the helm, who is short of areas for praise, but may the Praise hunters be cautious as they hunt for praises for him!


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