GPZ Opposes Inclusion of District Commissioners in CDF Committees


GPZ Opposes Inclusion of District  Commissioners in CDF Committees

THE GOLDEN PARTY of Zambia (GPZ) strongly opposes President Hakainde Hichilema’s move to include District Commissioners (DCs) in Constituency Development Fund (CDF) committees as the move will create more red tape.

The power to decide on developmental projects should lie with the local people in the wards and not with the DCs who may have ulterior political motives as such it is not necessary to include DCs in the CDF committees as being directed by President Hichilema.

We as a Party (GPZ) are taken aback that the head of state want his political carders in (DCs) to seat in CDF committees, to this effect we would  like to underline this point that, it is important for the allocation of CDF funds to be fair and transparent, and allowing DCs to be part of the CDF committee will only hinder the process to be driven by the local people on the ground.

“The decision to direct that DCs be part of the approving committee will only serve to lengthen the already cumbersome approval process, Thereby further delaying the much-needed development in our constituencies.

Every well meaning Zambian will agree with us to ask these questioning, What will be happening in districts that have more than two constituencies and all the committee are seating at the same time, will the DC be dividing him or herself?

Or the committees will be waiting since DCs are usually busy with other engagements going by the nature of their offices.

The other question we are posing is,  Will the DC seat in the CDF committee as a mere member bearing in mind there is already a CDF committee Chairperson, what value will the DCs really bring in these committees and what will the DC add technically in the CDF committee?

We have no doubt the decision by President Hichilema is a clear attempt to politicize CDF and undermine the authority of the CDF committees because District Commissioners that are serving now are politicians picked from the UPND party set up and including them in the CDF they will definitely be bias in the approval of the projects.

There is a likelihood of favoring certain areas or groupings as seen by their acts currently were they are the ones coming up with special lists of persons to be recruited in the defense and security wings in the districts.

We have numerous complaints even other employment opportunities in these districts were DCs take their special lists for persons to be employed case to pin point is the Census enumeration exercise were DCs were busy advancing lists of their own children, relatives and close friends for consideration.

“AS a party we urge Government to simplify the process and release the CDF funds in one lump sum and amend the act to remove unnecessary bureaucratic hurdles that are slowing down the disbursement and implementation process unlike putting more red tape in the funds.”

“As appointees of the President, DCs are inherently partisan and cannot be trusted to act impartially in the distribution of CDF funds, as such their inclusion will only serve to confuse the implementation process and create unnecessary conflicts.

As much as we welcome the increment of CDF, the funds have failed to make meaningful impact on the ground , hence we are of the view that CDF must be left to the technocrats as opposed to the current setup were only UPND carders are the ones benefiting.

Being a party that believes in promoting  good Governance and wants to see development cascade to benefit the general public, We are worried because in most districts the relationship between (DCs) and the Mayor or council Chairperson is rogue and this has contributed to people not to see meaningful impact of the funds.

WE vehemently oppose the move to include DCs in Constituency Development fund (CDF) committee because it will further breed more confusion and bring more politics in the disbursement and approval of projects.

“District commissioners (DCs) have consistently been used by politicians from the ruling party to further their own personal interests at the expense of the general citizenry, as seen in the selective recruitment of party loyalists, allowing them to meddle in CDF affairs will only perpetuate this trend”

CDF is meant for Constituency Development, not political grandstanding as such we urge president Hichilema and his government to reconsider the move and instead let the committees execute their mandate without any political interference because already most of those in the current committees are from the UPND and are busy amassing wealth by engaging in corruption of awarding themselves CDF contracts and selling bursaries  and loans.

We as a party hasten to implore Government to instead strengthen CDF with technical committees of experts to ensure implementation of CDF benefit the general public and not only aligned UPND carders.

We call on president Hichilema to strengthen the Mayor’s as proposed by the technical committee of 2015/16. CDF committees must remain independent and free from political interference because Development is for all.

Issued by:
Jackson Silavwe
President, Golden Party of Zambia (GPZ)
UKA Member


  1. Which one of the CDF committees does any of your members sit on? Oh sorry I forgot you only have two members ama-T yobe besides yourself!! Won’t ask again I promise.


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