Miles Sampa

Miles Sampa says;

July 17th, 2024, Lusaka

1. Introduction

In the realm of Zambian governance, where the air is thick with the sweet scent of corruption, our dear friends in power are faced with a feast of challenges that rival a Shakespearean tragedy. “Let me regale you with tales of woe and triumph from the land of copper.”

2. Corruption

The Dark Cloud of Corruption looms large over Zambia, casting shadows on government institutions and public services. The last few days’ occurrences at the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) with the public uproar forced the resignation of the ACC Director General due to alleged corrupt activities underscoring the deep-rooted levels of Corruption in the Country and not giving a good global image. Transparency International’s whispers speak of Zambia’s lowly rank in the Corruption Perceptions Index, painting a picture of dishonest dealings and murky waters.

3. Debt

Debt Management Drama unfolds as Zambia grapples with both domestic and external debt monsters of its own making, both during the past and growing during the current regime. IMF whispers carry tales of debt distress and opaqueness in borrowing practices, leaving the country in a financial quagmire of epic proportions.

4. Elections

Electoral Intrigues dance in the political arena, with concerns swirling around electoral integrity and the fairness of the game as demonstrated in recent bye-elections where those with the arrogance of huge amounts of cash to dish out to the vulnerable starving rural voters carried the day. From voter registration woes to campaign finance shadiness, Zambia’s political landscape resembles a drama of power and deception.

5. Economy

Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope shines through the cracks in the political facade: Micro and Macro Projections paint a picture of growth and resilience in Zambia’s economy. The African Development Bank prophesies a growth spurt of 4.5% in 2024 and 2025, with the Mining services and Manufacturing sectors donning their capes of recovery. GDP Growth Gambits play out as the real GDP growth is forecasted at 2.3% in 2024, despite the menacing spectre of drought lurking in the shadows.

Zambia’s economy flexed its muscles in 2023, boasting a 3.5% growth fueled by the mining and agriculture sectors. Unfortunately, these gains have barely touched the dinner tables of the majority of citizens. It’s been hard to even lay the table for complete meals. The price of mealie meal averaging K350 is way above the reach of over 80% of Zambian households. The much-publicized half-price ZNS Eagle mealie meal remains a pipe dream, as it can hardly be accessed by citizens. It’s easy to notice their availability at any one-off shops from noticed from long queues which is unprecedented in over 30 years.

6. UnUnited & Polarized Nation

As we wade through the murky waters of Zambian politics, one cannot ignore the elephant in the room. Unity is in Disarray, as tribal appointments reign supreme, claiming a staggering 95% of the coveted government positions. Tribal imbalance that was deemed to have occurred in the past has seen extreme opposite remedial measures whose sum effect is zero, as has happened from perceived one bad extreme to equally, if not worse, opposite bad extreme.

7. Recommendations

To mend the fissures and heal the wounds of division, the current custodians of power could embark on a grand quest of unity restoration:

7.1 Dialogue Diplomacy: Open the gates to constructive discourse and understanding among disparate groups.

7.2 Inclusive Governance: Ensure a seat at the table for all regions and communities, fostering equitable decision-making. It’s possible to have a 50-50 tribal balance in all government and quasi-government institutions.

7.3 Diversity Dignity: Celebrate the tapestry of cultural, ethnic, and religious identities that weave the fabric of Zambia. It should not matter which church or religion one decides to align with, and it should not be a source of advantage or disadvantage to any citizen. Matters of religion are between individual citizens and their Almighty God.

7.4 Reconciliation Initiative: The government should be proactive in initiating programs of healing and reconciliation, bridging the chasms of past conflicts. The incumbent President HH and former President ECL need to lead the way and be proactive in reconciling themselves and, therefore, the nation. No differences are insurmountable. The two are elephants of the nation, and their obvious continuous tiff only makes the rest of the 20 million citizens the grass. Zambia is bigger than either or both of them. They need to do it for the good of Mother Zambia.

I played my part and reached out to ECL for what may have been deemed as not so-good a relationship between the two of us. I went and melted the ice in the spirit of uniting the rest of the people who believe in him and also some who believe in myself. This is more so for our PF party membership and other non-partisan citizens who look up to either or both of us for hope for a better Zambia. Similarly, and as already indicated by President HH, he should reach out to his brother ECL and patch up their differences if any.

On my part I send an olive branch to all I may have differed with and will reach out to each one mend bridges for the good of ourselves, house around us, the party and Country at large.

7.5 National Identity Nurturing: Zambia should cultivate a shared national identity that transcends tribal, regional, and political divides. We need to find that one thing that should bind us together.

7.6 Educational Enlightenment: Illuminate the path of tolerance, appreciation, and diversity through educational initiatives. Our curriculum at all school levels should nurture love, peace, tolerance, reconciliation, and forgiveness. We cannot continue to be a nation of hardcore vengeance or revenge or retributions to each other when the path of reconciliation is what can let love lead for the good of the nation’s economic growth.

7.7 Civil Society Empowerment: We all need to champion the cause of peace-building and conflict resolution through support for civil society organizations.

8. Conclusion

As the political play unfolds on Zambia’s stage, may both intra and inter-political divides have unity and reconciliation take the spotlight to guide the Republic. May politics of love lead us all for the good of the majority of ordinary Zambians. May God bless Zambia.

I thank you.



  1. Who believes in Miles in PF honestly speaking, these AI articles are making people lazy to write from the mind.

  2. Many in PF equate reconciliation to dropping of investigations and court cases involving ECLs family and PF members. These are lawful investigations and HH has no right to stop them in the name of reconciliation.

    They can reconcile as individuals, but should not extend their reconciliation to matters of accountability.

  3. The idea of reconciliation is brilliant. The President HH must wholeheartedly forgive ECL. But before that happens, ECL must also wholeheartedly, apologies to HH for all the wrongs he may have afflicted on him. After forgiveness, reconciliation should take place. Let’s be fair and call out ECL to apologize first, otherwise what would HH be forgiving ECL for? The process is easy. You wrong me, you apologies, I accept the apology and forgive you.

  4. Why are u soliciting for Hh to reconcile with a poisonous snake. ECL declined that reconciliation why do you want to matters . U miles went to visit and discuss unknown matters with ECL , no one’s what u two discussed. With your evil intentions. So HH alone. Concentrate on revamping your party can’t you see from the gone by- elections how you faired. It tells us all that Pief tapes

  5. Uko, Fili uko tuleya. Lungu might be arrested. In his time with his so called lawless lawyers, he denied HH to be heard with the petition when in the same avenue, he brocke the constitution of sworing in by the Chief or deputy chief justice, what a sham.
    Abena Mundubile please start reading more of your defence by breaching the constitution otherwise bonse kukakwa.

  6. Sampa, you call yourself the master of reconciliation but forget that each time you move to one side, you create enemies on the other side, so what kind of reconciliation is that, when you did a coup, you created enemies from the ECL camp, now you have moved towards ECL and created confusion in the camp that supported you. in my view you are the master of confusion.

  7. Yes the two should reconcile on individual basis but not on national perspective. It’s widely perceived that PF under the leadership of ECL plundered the economy of this country and as such plundering must, in my opinion, be a reserve of the courts of law. If the alleged plundering of the economy truly exists I don’t think the Zambians can reach that level of forgiveness.


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