HH’s Reward to incriminate Lungu for any Capital Offense is “paradise”: My Offer to become a State Witness against ECL in the Gassing Case was “milk and honey eternally”- Dr. Chris Zumani



HH’s Reward to incriminate Lungu for any Capital Offense is “paradise”: My Offer to become a State Witness against ECL in the Gassing Case was “milk and honey eternally”

By Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba

…..When I was taken to Woodlands police station for questioning in May 2023, l was interested to know why. Upon arrival, the officers from “Crime One-Police HQ” were instructed to charge me for “Possession of terrorist articles”. My lawyers asked if I was searched on my body, car or house and found with such articles. I was equally shocked because there was no point in my entire life I ever possessed terrorist or harmful chemicals….

1. I was detained immediately and left to sleep in the cold. The following day, l was jointly and officially arrested on the same charges and made news headlines everywhere. The police issued statements and ZNBC, Koswe, Zambia Watchdog, Prime TV, Kalemba, etc classified me as “The Master Minder of Gassing” in Zambia. But in all these stupid noise in the media, God said “do not be afraid, fear not”. Everyone who visited me was shocked that I was so relaxed and at peace-I knew I was as clean as KK’s white hand cloth.

2. Out of the three co-accused, I only knew one person-the other two were total strangers to me. I only met them at Woodlands police on the day we were jointly arrested. They introduced themselves to me and immediately started to tell me how much they were being forced to implicate me in their charges and as an offer to set them free. The wicked Dr. Zimba they were asked to “just implicate” was totally different from the sober and Christian Zimba they now met and were talking to in terms of stature, behavior and personality.

3. “I am humbled to meet you gentlemen. As for me, it is well and only pray for heaven to expose and defeat this political nonsense as soon as possible”, l calmly responded to them. Many people came through to offer Christian prayers, political solidarity and others with traditional juju solutions of course. But I always told my lawyers, family and close friends that “here, only God through prayer and fasting will defeat and expose King Nebuchadnezzar, nothing else. Only light fights and defeats darkness”.

4. Note that, a month before I was arrested, State House and UPND folks amended the 2018 terrorism law to make terrorist offenses non bailable and with the sentence of life imprisonment because they were specifically targeting Lungu. And foolishly, PF MPs seconded and approved it out of ignorance. So, things were changing very fast and the devil was so happy thinking he was winning against heaven. This either never moved me! I was sure that “my God reigns and will powerfully scatter Satan into shameful pieces”.

5. During my first one month detention when I was illegally moved from police to prison and back to police without appearing before any judge or magistrate, my co accused told me many stories about their ‘state offers’ to implicate me and win big. Even some of their close family members were talked to with offers to convince them. But they all refused to run with falsehoods. “How can we go to court and say false things against an innocent person before intelligent lawyers, journalists and the public?”, they said.

6. “If you agree to become a state witness against Zimba, you will be free and will become rich. Just say he used to give us a lot of money to gass people and you will be free and compensated heavily afterwards”, they told me such were promises offered to them. But they all refused to accept becoming false state witnesses against a person they never met in 2020 or before May 2024. As I said, apart from one person, the rest were total strangers to me!

7. One of a former state house staff who was attached to my office equally suffered similar mistreatment last year. He was brutally arrested and kept in custody at “command center” for interrogations. They tried everything to persuade him to agree that I used to give him money to go and gas people. He totally refused as nothing of that nature ever happened during my time at state house. Thereafter, he was released but consequently removed from State House to work from very far as punishment. Today, he is an outcast in civil service!

8. In like manner, one of my co accused was even heavily tortured during initial interrogations at “Command Center” just to mention my name as well as the former president in his charges. They even openly told him that “we are not after you, we are after Zimba and Lungu through you. This project is high profile and highly funded”, he reported to me when we meet in custody.

9. Whilst at Woodlands police station, l was visited by some trusted relative openly associated with UPND. He asked me if I was willing to help myself and be free because my children were too young. So, l agreed to hear the story or any suggestions. He explained that l was not the target but my former boss. He offered that if I agree to turn as a state witness against ECL and only say he was funding gassing, then l will not just be free, but that I will live outside Zambia anywhere with properties and businesses in many countries. Politely, I said “before God and man, I am not for sale”. I found the idea so humanly wicked that I didn’t want any discussion.

10. So, after 30 days in detention, they proceeded to present me before the magistrate court for mention and committed to the high court for trial. After some months when l was in prison at Mwembeshi, another elderly relative engaged me again in a company of someone I didn’t know. Sadly, the story and offer was the same. Again, I made my position clear, “if they want to fix ECL, let them find someone else to use. I cannot crucify an innocent person for the sake of wealth-try next door”. End of discussion, I walked out and left them.

11. Despite knowing that they had zero evidence against me, the state maliciously kept on detaining me in prison and dragging the case before the court by gambling to secure an “accidental conviction”. Now I knew that I was being punished for refusing to cooperate in helping the state to fix Lungu. But by God’s grace, on 1st December, 2023, l was acquitted by the Lusaka High Court alongside my co-accused of all the malicious charges and set free to liberty for Heaven’s testimony!

12. Throughput my trial, I was assured by God’s words in Isaiah 55:8-9. The Bible says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”. For me, God’s word such as the captioned was more important in my life than whatever any human being said or whatever any media reported! So, all these malicious political charges didn’t shake or intimidate at all.

Hence, every time I think of my seven months traumatic experience of being maliciously arrested, detained and kept in prison last year, my only conclusion is HH’s Reward to incriminate Lungu for any Capital Offense is “paradise” itself. The offers I was given if I accepted to become a State Witness against ECL in the Gassing Case was like “milk and honey eternally”. It shows as well as explains the extent to which UPND and State House politically hates and fears Lungu to appear on the ballot against HH in 2026.

If HH is to find anyone who is going to incriminate Lungu on any serious charge that sends the former president to jail and consequently disqualifies ECL from contesting the 2026 presidential elections, Bally may be willing to give such a person the highest reward in Zambia with any other expensive gift one can think of. Throughout that seven months prison experience of 2023, I fully realized that my malicious arrest was purely designed to get to Lungu, imprison and block him politically so that Bally has a clear path for himself. To me, it was political vengeance, anger and hatred at its best and worst between Bally and Lungu!

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.


  1. This is where Hakainde will lose even more credibility.

    ECL can be accused of many many things, but gassing is not one of them. There is not a single person, outside the Zambezi region, that would believe this nonsense.

    The voters just want a better cost of living, not this witch hunt aimed to deflect attention from his failures, oppression of opposition, and gross incompetence.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Dr Zumani, you really came face to face with evil. Thank God you came out to tell the story.
    The extent to which these dark Angels go in their pursuit of power is frightening.. The man is pure evil. I can imagine what Jay Jay is going through at the moment…The Plot and script looks the same..and Edith Nawakwi’s Hatembo’s case too.
    Abduct some one … then arrest the abductee…force him to frame another person …if he refuses , resurrect old cases to black mail him..lock him up for eternity till he frames the person they want to fix.
    Scary politics in Zambia..You only see this in the mafia underground world of crime. Not in a country, a democracy! These are very dangerous times for the country.

  3. This is an what they call an alibi. A man who knows about something about to catch up with him or close associates will tend to create some pretext and try and exonerate them in advance. This comes weeks after the presidency emphasized the importance of addressing the evil that engulfed this country, including the gassing!
    Of innocent Zambians.
    This was certainly a plot to eventually cage HH to prevent him being on the ballot paper. Innocent lives were lost. Some senior Police Officer was fired for saying the master mond of the gassing project was found. It is this officer who should go back to that evidence and come up with a crack squad to get the bad boys or girls in. The Bible is very clear that when you set a trap,
    You end up falling in it yourself. The laws that were created to squeeze HH are biting the very people that created them!
    They are so afraid that they are in panic, they have regrouped to bring up distractions while the guilty have scampered in all directions. For how long?
    Now their strategy of mobilizing through the churches may bring to their side those clergy men who either can not discern or are just fallen men of God who have decided Gold and Silver are more important than the lives of ordinary Zambians.
    Where is Godfredah Suma in all this saga? Where is Kampyongo wbo was in charge of home affairs? Where is Kaizer who caused a lot of havoc?
    This HH is too Christian to deal with these characters. They were and still are evil, so don’t spare the rod or you are ‘spoiling the child’!
    Now Zumani can you explain what you mean by his reward is paradise? Do you know about something that will take him there? Your boss also said that there will be early elections! Is it a coincidence? Tell the nation.


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