Have now gathered courage let me speak out if you want expelled me from UPND. I will always stand by my principles.
10:14- The plane carrying the president touched down at Mansa airport.
10:25- The President comes out, looked surprised, went strait to pass near cadres. He instructs his aide to give money to the women who were dancing.
10:30- he goes into VIP holding room, doors closed.
11:40 – the director of ceremony announce to the welcoming audience that the President is now coming out to address them.
Surprisingly the President comes out and goes straight to the chopper and off he goes to Chipili.
The President was well briefed by his Veep about the situation on the ground.
The crowd that welcomed the President was too small for a person in that position.
For that I feel it was a reason he never wanted to address the crowd.
But I feel out of respect his excellence the President should have addressed us because we made an effort to welcome him. We abandoned our programs just to go and welcome him.
Myself was suppose to go and work on my land in Katangwe but I had to drop that.
And our party president decided to ignore us, its not fair.
I feel for my fellow provincial team, especially the acting chair their was nothing he could do. How do you mobilise people with limited funds. He did what he could.
In photo is the budget of how they utilized the money they received.
Hopefully we win the by elections in Mwense, otherwise if we lose as UPND we are doomed in the province as it will send a bad message.
Mind you politics is a mind game, its all about perception.
Today I agree. I was blaming the wrong person, the SG is innocent of troubles in UPND. Call a spade a spade, Mr. President you are to blame for current happenings in UPND. Sir don’t forget, you are the President of a political party UPND. You can not run government well if your political party is unstable.
We need you more than the way Zambian’s need you.
I know others will condemn me for giving open rebuke to the President. But I know my lovely President is a Christian and will understand why have done this.
We commonly think of rebuke as an adverse confrontation, but Proverbs 27:5-6 says, “Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.”
Mr. President I love you and I know you mean well for mother Zambia but just work on those little issues concerned party members are raising.
Its out of love for you.
Jack Mwape Mbulo
Luapula province Deputy IPS- Media