It is a standard practice for Presidents to travel overseas for various reasons, which include participation in high-level meetings or conferences, strengthening diplomatic ties, wooing foreign investors, and promoting and negotiating business, trade and other treaties. This happens everyhere with almost all Presidents.

However, countries with serious Presidents ensure that they strike a balance between foreign travels and the reality facing their domestic politics. They make sure that foreign travels yield tangible benefits for their countries and citizens. But in Zambia, particularly under the leadership of Mr Hakainde Hichilema, who perhaps is the most travelled Zambian President in the last two and half decades, the situation is different.

Mr Hichilema’s presidential trips, which are disguised as ‘economic diplomacy’ assignments have raised a lot of dust, as the citizens query the merits and demerits of these  expensive trips. This remains a puzzle to many Zambians who are unable to see the benefits of these foreign trips. It is also apparent that the more Mr Hichilema travels, the worse things become back home. Can the citizens be blamed for perceiving issues this way? Absolutely, not! It’s for Mr Hichilema to cautiously interrogate the citizen’s frustration about his foreign trips.

But why are Zambians annoyed with Mr Hichilema’s travels abroad?

Its simple. Zambians are going through so much and life is becoming unbearable every day. For instance, today, the cost of fertilizers, fuel, electricity, transport, mealie meal and other essential commodities is unaffordable. And loadshedding, unemployment, floods, and local businesses shutting down among others, is the order of the day. So, who can be happy to live under these circumstances? Mr Hichilema and the UPND cannot keep insisting that foreign trips and connections are yielding results, yet they have constantly failed to get it right at the domestic level and to manage the economy.

Mr Hichilema must understand that his presence in the country, and availability to stand with the citizens in tough times, is uplifting and assuring to the people. Zambians are tired of a leader who is prepared to abandon them at the slightest sound of the jet engine under the guise of being the country’s chief marketing officer. Let Mr Hichilema understand that his presence and readiness to address the challenges facing citizens is more than symbolic.

This President must realize that foreign investors flock to destinations where there is social, economic and political stability. Zambia will only be an attractive investment destination if Mr Hichilema sorts out the economic and political mess he has created. Which serious investor will invest in Zambia under the current political and economic chaos? Which investor will come and invest in a country with a collapsing economy, decaying democracy, unstable currency, extreme loadshedding, and crumbling state institutions like the judiciary, parliament, the police and so on and so forth?

Mr Hichilema must recognize the fact that as long as he maintains the prevailing economic chaos, foreign businesses will keep leaving this country, whilst he keeps chasing foreign investors with little or no results at all.

We call upon Mr Hichilema to immediately sit down and fix the economy, after all he told us that ‘Bally will fix it!’  This is the only way this country will be more attractive for foreign investment. He need to identify with the people and their challenges.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Mr M’membe please don’t say; ‘that’s why Zambians are not happy with Dr HH visits abroad’ because am a Zambian and appreciate his trips because I have seen the fruits.

      • * Aren’t you aware that Mulungushi Textiles is energized? ( Some of the 400 pieces of machinery from China have come in operating partially after decades of closure).
        * Are you aware of famous Lithium Battery Factory now full operational my Range Rover is using local lithium battery?
        * GEI Power 120 MW Solar fields under construction to be on ZESCO board qrt3 2025 among many other Solar Fields.
        * Lobito corridor Railway line (not dead duck)
        * Visit LSE Zone interview the foreign companies that have employed your brothers and Sisters. Out of the trips.
        * Look out for the Japan trip;
        Among them is The Japanese Toyota coming – Green Energy Project (Solar plant).

        Don’t close your ears and blind your eyes to UPND successfully stories. Others are seeing if you can’t!!!

      • HH has been invited by the government of Japan, one of the biggest three manufacturing and trading countries in the world. That means that HH is seen as a suitable person to have as a guest in Tokyo and not a political wet blanket and an embarrassment to avoid. That has diplomatic significance on its own.

  2. Mr Mmembe must not put Zambians in his unsatisfactory presidential trips. Let’s him do so on his own. Who told him every Zambian I NOT happy?

  3. This remains a puzzle to many Zambians who are unable to see the benefits of these foreign trips. Bwana which Zambia are talking about. Did you carry out a research to know which Zambian still do not understand the significance of these trips. Please share the percent of Zambians who do not understand the importance of the these trips or is another usual rhetoric. By the way is it possible that you do not see any good things the president has done?. Remember ,whatever measure you use to judge you will be judged” is a quote from the Bible, Matthew 7:1. The full verse is, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you”.

  4. Ukoooo! Freddii a confused disturbed character.

    Much as the cost of living is high and most items being expensive, yes we know it and also understand why things are so. Just as you! Freddii mumemmbee has put it or indicated to say HH said he will fix it indeed he will fix it and has already started fixing it. Fixing that which was destroyed by your PF starting with the creation of a number of districts without funding or budget. Giving out contracts e.g. under local government amounting to more than K12 or so billions kwachas when the budget line was far less or below the budget and given out to PF contracts, over borrowing and defaulting on agreed payment terms and periods just to mention but a few examples. These are some of the things HH said he will fix them not forgetting the cadreisim that was rampant- stealing from the council by PF csdres and and senior PF parry mwmbers collecting revenues from the markerts and bus stations country wide, beatings, killings etc
    HH ssid he will fix it and indeed he is fixing them one by one.

    President Lungus trips outside the country with alot of people including musicians to go and sing and entertain him while drinking carelessly as if he was still in Chawama taverns and sharbins. That is no more indeed HH is fixing it.

    Elyo iwee Freddie you are saying there’s no employment being created, HH is employing every year thousands of youths and their families including themselves who are being employed are celebrating- That is happiness.

    Your usual lies to say that investors are not coming into the country because of this and that. Many investors both local and foreign are investing in Zambia. Indeed HH is fixing it.

    Iyoooo. HH is doing nothing this and that- if you don’t know or may be you are just pretending, let me tell you. CDF has been increased and it is now K30 million plus hence making a very big change and difference in every constituency of Zambia. Schools are being built everywhere in Zambia, clinics are being built 6 in Zambia POLICE posts are being built everywhere in Zambia, School desks are being supplied in almost all the schools country wide. Education is now free from grade one to grade 7 and now from 1 / grade 8 to form 5/ grade 12 in all public Schools, skills bursaries nimbwee not forgetting the increased number of students being admitted into government Universities and restoration of meal allowances which Lungu and uncle Nkandu Lou scrapped. Indeed HH is fixing it.

    Inkongole nabakaloba PF ashile umunabo aumfwana nabene for extended payment period. Fingi aciitele HH nomba iweee at he has done nothing. That means you are not normal to see all that which is being done and happening n our nation. Alot of scores and achievements.

    Sorry freddii you are a missed call.

  5. M’membe is just a nicompumpu who doesn’t understand how governance go about,the only person who does not see any results pertaining to the presidents trips is you Fred m’membe and all the opposition parties because of your jealous and hate that you have to the president, us we are seeing good things coming immediately he returns back

  6. How many times have you travelled to Venezuela without bringing anything? More than three years down the line you still can’t see the benefits from HH’s international trips, then you must be blind. You urgently need help to restore your sight.

  7. We who grew up in the village, when there’s famine or hunger at home, only a foolish and lazy father would sit at home and cry and complain of hunger together with his wife and children. A wise father would persistently continue going out into the bush to look for food even if frequently he comes home empty handed. He never gives up but keeps going out looking for ways of improving the welfare of his family. On the other hand, the stupid father who sits at home and cries of hunger with his wife and children only ends up being a laughing stock in the village and they villagers even compose satirical and sarcastic songs against such an Imbecile father.


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