Hichilema’s rising dictatorship- Amb.  Emmanuel Mwamba


Hichilema’s rising dictatorship

…if we have been betrayed by the deliberate silence of those that have a duty to denounce these despotic tendencies, who have been guardians and custodians of our country, our God in heaven will surely raise new voices amongst its people….

Amb.Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

As many credible local and international reports chronicles President Hakainde Hichilema record of abuse, as he entrenches his dictatorship and autocratic rule, it is clear that Zambian voices from the Human Rights Commission, NGOOCC, Law Association of Zambia, the Church, NGOs and other key stakeholders have been;

1. Silenced or,
2. Intimidated into fear and self-censorship or,
3. Bought.

Just over one year of President Hichilema being in office, the United States 2022/3 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices in Zambia gave damning findings of Hichilema’s despotic tendencies, summarised and reported that;

●Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings, including extrajudicial killings;
● torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by the government; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions;
●serious restrictions on freedom of expression and media, including violence and threats of violence against journalists, censorship, or enforcement of or threat to enforce criminal libel laws to limit expression;
●substantial interference with the rights of freedom of assembly and association;
●serious government corruption;
In 2024, all these elements have taken hold as Hichilema looks to 2026 to retain power even in the face of pubkic rejection or loss of the election.

This has since been collaborated by fresh and recent reports from Human Rights Watch International and other serious groupings.

It has been noted that since 2021, Zambia’s quick decline into dictatorship, abuse of human rights, erosion of independence and autonomy of democratic institutions including the Judiciary, unwarranted and vicious attacks on political oponents and large-scale acts of corruption and grand looting of the Treasury as its democracy ranking falls rapidly, was taking hold.

One would wonder, how a President who won national elections in 2021, on the basis that he will restore the Rule of Law, end corruption, promote democratic values and let political and civic freedoms flourish, would be the biggest turncoat, and be quickly drunk with power and rapidly descend into the abyss of running a despotic government!

The new report by the United Nation Experts on Human Rights led by Gina Romero, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association, is demonstrable of the rapid decline of human rights and despotic tendencies that have characterised President Hichilema’s rule since 2021.

The UN Report stated;

●“We are deeply troubled by allegations that State actors have instrumentalised arcane provisions in the law, including “seditious intention”, to suppress the legitimate exercise of freedom of expression which is also enshrined in international treaties that Zambia has ratified.

●This is compounded by shortcomings in the administration of justice, such as arrests prior to the conduct of thorough and impartial investigations and undue delays in bringing accused persons before the courts.

●While the Government’s actions to counter hate speech, maintain peace and stability, and promote national unity are welcomed, these must be based on national laws that conform to international human rights law and standards,
●”The arrests and restrictions have had a chilling effect on freedom of opinion, expression, association and assembly, which are core components of a robust functioning democracy,
●and risk exacerbating deepening divisions, including along ethnic and regional lines, and further shrinking civic space in the country.”

● To de-escalate tensions, the Government must uphold constitutionally guaranteed rights; create a safe and enabling environment for civic space; expedite legislative reforms, including the Public Order Act, the Penal Code and the State Security Act.

Zambia has always been held in high esteem and has been touted as a shining example of democracy in Africa, enjoying peace and security, and fostering peaceful co-existence and tolerance of its diverse people.

However President Hichilema is determined to destroy this stellar record because of his personal goal to achieve a second term at all cost and probably walk away as one of the wealthiest men in Africa with billions obtained from the abuse of office and looting of public resources and the Treasury.

The recent dubious policy decions and activities in key sectors such as mines, energy sector and the poweer utility, ZESCO and other business interests, point to unprecedented show of greed to accumulate immense wealth at all cost.

In my humble view, Zambians shall not be silenced into fear and watch their nation burn.

If we have been betrayed by the silence of those that have a duty to denounce these despotic tendencies and have been guardians and custodians of our country, our God in heaven will surely raise new voices amongst its people to replace them and save the nation.


  1. HH won an election with unequivocal results. It is criminals who are forfeiting stolen properties, vehicles and money to the state every day who are now demonising the work of law enforcement and HH. Mwamba’s silence on criminal elements and Lungu proxies from the former regime who are forfeiting proceeds of crime shows clear bias and unbalanced analysis.

  2. HH won an election with unequivocal results. It is criminals who are forfeiting stolen properties, vehicles and money to the state every day who are now demonising the work of law enforcement and HH. Mwamba’s silence on criminal elements and Lungu proxies from the former regime who are forfeiting proceeds of crime shows clear bias and unbalanced analysis.

  3. Mwamba,this is ridiculous do you really know who a dictator is and what they do.Dont be funny man.People are busy breaking the laws of the land with impunity and you want them to be left free.They commit sedicious offenses and you want them to go on like that in the name of freedom of speach.Why did we make laws in the country if you don’t punish those who break the same laws.These laws have been existing way before UPND came to power the law breakers must have had time to get to know the pena code.Does it mean they break the law blindly or they get carried away.They must be remorseful, we have seen some break the law two three times in a year.

  4. Mwamba,this is ridiculous do you really know who a dictator is and what they do.Dont be funny man.People are busy breaking the laws of the land with impunity and you want them to be left free.They commit sedicious offenses and you want them to go on like that in the name of freedom of speach.Why did we make laws in the country if you don’t punish those who break the same laws.These laws have been existing way before UPND came to power the law breakers must have had time to get to know the pena code.Does it mean they break the law blindly or they get carried away.They must be remorseful, we have seen some break the law two three times in a year.

  5. Mwamba, I have read Ms. Gina Romero’s report. It is based on allegations and not fact. At the end of the report it states ‘The experts are in contact with the Government of Zambia on these issues’.

    My problem with you is that the report does not mention HH anywhere but you, as a drama queen, embroidered the report and you specifically tangled HH’s name into it.

    By the way Gina is not employed by the UN, the fact which is stated at the bottom of the report.

    Get a life!!!! Your hatred of HH is not healthy.

    • Well said. And the man wonders why he is charged with sedition.
      Wikipedia defines Sedition as “Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.”

      At face value and now the entire world knows Mwamba as a Seditionist. You can have an opinion, be critical or have a decenting view as long as its balance and objective.
      The malice, lies and innuendo in Mwamba’s statements are what is wrong. Seeking cast aspiration so that power is changed by society is not providing checks and balances. Showing us only parts of documents and negatively commenting is not telling us the true. You can not be a member of a particular poltical party and expect us to believe you give a balance and objective view

  6. Mwamba, I have read Ms. Gina Romero’s report. It is based on allegations and not fact. At the end of the report it states ‘The experts are in contact with the Government of Zambia on these issues’.

    My problem with you is that the report does not mention HH anywhere but you, as a drama queen, embroidered the report and you specifically tangled HH’s name into it.

    By the way Gina is not employed by the UN, the fact which is stated at the bottom of the report.

    Get a life!!!! Your hatred of HH is not healthy.

    • Well said. And the man wonders why he is charged with sedition.
      Wikipedia defines Sedition as “Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.”

      At face value and now the entire world knows Mwamba as a Seditionist. You can have an opinion, be critical or have a decenting view as long as its balance and objective.
      The malice, lies and innuendo in Mwamba’s statements are what is wrong. Seeking cast aspiration so that power is changed by society is not providing checks and balances. Showing us only parts of documents and negatively commenting is not telling us the true. You can not be a member of a particular poltical party and expect us to believe you give a balance and objective view

  7. Indeed most NGOs, Civil Society, the Church have chosen to look away, intimidated or bought with Government appointments..The opposition should be crushed, and should have no Space. Any Civil Servant who dares show Professionalism is removed, and surrendered to the corridors of cabinet office. Even the latest Registrar of Societies appears to have run for cover. She failed to stand the dictatorial heat.
    The remaining bastion against the Dictatorship clearly manifest in Zambia is the Catholic Church…and Hakainde is determined to dismember this Institution. The Catholic Church Bishops had a meeting in which they wanted to share their concerns with the members of the church on issues of interest through a Pastoral letter. What did Hakainde do? He disrupted the meeting and called the Bishops to state house…and the Pastoral letter never saw the light of day. Just this week, the Bishops wanted to have the Diocesan meeting with the priests in Zambia to reflect on matters of faith…of the mission of the Catholic Church. What did Hakainde do? He gate crushed the meeting to impose his agenda on the gathering! The man can’t stand an independent institution in Zambia. Everything in Zambia should be of him, by him, and for him! Show me a Tin Pot Dictator, and I will show you one Hakainde Hichilema.

  8. Indeed most NGOs, Civil Society, the Church have chosen to look away, intimidated or bought with Government appointments..The opposition should be crushed, and should have no Space. Any Civil Servant who dares show Professionalism is removed, and surrendered to the corridors of cabinet office. Even the latest Registrar of Societies appears to have run for cover. She failed to stand the dictatorial heat.
    The remaining bastion against the Dictatorship clearly manifest in Zambia is the Catholic Church…and Hakainde is determined to dismember this Institution. The Catholic Church Bishops had a meeting in which they wanted to share their concerns with the members of the church on issues of interest through a Pastoral letter. What did Hakainde do? He disrupted the meeting and called the Bishops to state house…and the Pastoral letter never saw the light of day. Just this week, the Bishops wanted to have the Diocesan meeting with the priests in Zambia to reflect on matters of faith…of the mission of the Catholic Church. What did Hakainde do? He gate crushed the meeting to impose his agenda on the gathering! The man can’t stand an independent institution in Zambia. Everything in Zambia should be of him, by him, and for him! Show me a Tin Pot Dictator, and I will show you one Hakainde Hichilema.


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