Mr Hakainde Hichilema likes to be first, it’s like being first means everything to him, even when he is not the first, he will still lie to be the first with a straight face even.

Just like he is the first to have risen from the death row to the presidency against all odds. Even when logic and the constitution do not agree with him on this, he keeps repeating this lie like a broken record. For him, when he wants to be the first, he must be no matter what. Why?

But in all this, the only thing he forgets to tell his friends especially those in the West is that truly, he is the first to have taken the price of mealie meal, fuel and the exchange rate very high. Whilst we are at it, he is also the first to have taken the country into 20 hours loadshedding without any sense of shame or guilt, amongst many other things.

Indeed, he is responsible and the first on so many irregular and abnormal things that are going on in the country today.

This is beyond comprehension for those us who watch him boasting and lying his way through life, like filinomo! Only time will help us understand. Ati life is spiritual!

Mapenzi biyo!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Fred Membe is so obsessed with HH that he has failed lamentably to grow his party. He is fit to be a spokesperson for PF other than a President of a political party. He spent his best energy criticizing HH.. His mouth is full of HH instead of socialism.


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