Ladies and gentlemen of our beloved nation, esteemed members of the press, fellow patriots, and all who hold dear the principles of justice and constitutional democracy:
We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our nation’s history, a moment marked by deep reflection and, I dare say, a profound sense of our common identity and destiny. The verdict rendered today was expected. For months, the hands of political manipulation have, with undeniable force, steered us toward a conclusion foreseen not by the merits of reasoned argument or constitutional fidelity but by the weight of orchestrated design and political machinations. We kept on monitoring this!
To understand the gravity of this moment, we must revisit the sequence of events that brought us here. It began with a petition that sought to exclude me from the political arena—not through the natural verdict of the people on the ballot paper, but by the calculated intervention of political forces sponsored by political players. It unfolded with the reshaping of our Constitutional Court, the displacement of arbiters of justice, and the narrowing of judicial voices to fit a predetermined script.
Yes, specific judges were expelled in order to retain specific judges specifically for today’s judgment! We saw decisions cloaked in procedural justifications concocted by that same unmistakable hand of expediency. Judges were removed, some silenced, others promoted, and the very architecture of our judiciary reshaped to align with partisan imperatives. Of course, we all witnessed calculated judicial reshuffles by politicians for their plane to land here today.
And so, you have heard for yourselves, the verdict has been issued, declaring that my eligibility to stand in the 2026 elections is nullified by the weight of the court’s decision. I accept this verdict. I accept it not with resignation but with resolve. This is because this verdict transcends the fate of Edgar Chagwa Lungu. It speaks to the erosion of judicial independence, the weakening of our democratic foundations, and the weaponisation of our institutions for short-term gain.
But, my fellow countrymen and women, know this: from this blatant manipulation and disenfranchisement, a new resolve is born. Democracy, my fellow citizens, is not merely a system of governance but the lifeblood of our national identity. And therefore today, I declare that Plan B has been set in motion and Plan B shall legally fight to defeat and win for Zambians. Trust me, I in the spirit of democracy and Zambians shall win in and with Plan B!
This is not a retreat. It is not surrender. It is a recalibration of our efforts towards the sacred task of strengthening our democratic path. Plan B is rooted in the principle that democracy must prevail as a reality for every citizen of this land. Plan B is based on the enduring ideal that power must always reside with the people. Plan B will prove that no machination can extinguish the power of the Zambian people and that institutions must serve the public, not the ambitions of a few.
Let me assure you, I am filled not with bitterness but with renewed determination, political hope and faith that democracy, not court politics shall certainly win in 2026 without any doubt. We must show the world that Zambia’s democracy cannot be extinguished by a manipulated verdict. Zambians shall win and celebrate very soon, not few ruling elites through their proxies!
To those who believe they have triumphed today, I say this: history is a patient judge. The true verdict will be rendered not in the chambers of a court but in the hearts of the people of Zambia, and the annals of time.
My fellow Zambians, let us walk forward together with dignity and resolve. Let us prove that our democracy, though tested in this moment, will emerge stronger.
Today, Plan B goes into motion and democracy will prevail as well as win! Thank you, and may God bless our beloved Zambia.
Edgar Changwa Lungu
Sixth President of Zambia
PF President and Tonse Alliance 2026 Presidential Candidate
If your claim of political manipulation of the judicial process is anything to go by, then you must just accept to lay in the bed you made when you were President of this country.
We are waiting for your so called plan B. Bring it on. We are ready even for your plan E, C or L.
Those who have time and nothing to do, Join Mr. Lungu and his plan B. There are important things to do in Zambia than crying that Mr. Lungu who failed to rule the country for 7 years be given another 5 years to try and do what he can’t do correctly.
Plan B? Lol 🙂 🙂
You should have used plan A,B,C …..Z when you were in charge of this country for TWO (2) terms.
When your cadres were maiming, hacking the public, wanton theft of public resources, collapsing the economy of Zambia, those people that were killed in political violence – fixing these thing should have been ur plan for Zambia!
Only today you are starting to sound Christian, spiritual?
Kkkkkk, ati plan B, zero. You won’t be on the ballot in 2026, NEVER.
Plan B now appears to be aligning with his misguided supporters, ultimately leading to imprisonment. Lungu will undoubtedly be featured in textbooks as a cautionary tale—a prime example of leadership gone awry. His actions reveal him as an irredeemable and bumbling individual, seemingly fated to return to the poverty from which he emerged. UPND, we await your signal. Should you need us, we are ready to act, even in addressing individuals like Tasila. Simply ask, and we are at your service.
Judicial inventiveness is not new in legal history. What matters is what the outcome achieves.
In this case, Lungu’s presidential candidacy is nullified. The election of Hichilema is also void and lacks legitimacy.
Zambia cannot continue to be governed by an illegitimate government.
UPND should go to the country and seek a new mandate.
In civilised societies,this would be the decent thing to do.
Unfortunately, you people are a long way from decent politics !!!
Awaiting your hallmark reasoning articulated through insulting language.
Ba Observer, by what law is Mr. Hichilema’s presidency nullified? Do not just throw statements around. Provide the appropriate authority as well. Give us the particular article and section of the constitution.
The fact that the so called plan B is a secret speaks of a premeditated attempt to overthrow a duly elected government. The only way Lungu can appear on the 2026 ballot box is by overthrowing the current government. If this is a lie, let him document and let us know the details of plan B.
Any plan outside constitutional provisions is treasonous. Be warned.
Plan B is to support Harry Kalaba, but realistic speaking Harry is unknown outside Luapula. FRED might be ascend to the throne b4 Harry if age doesn’t catch up with him, because UPND will rule for the next 20 years.
The correct thing to do is for PF to go the drawing board and strategies their survival without ECL. Clinging to ECL is like a parasite cling on to a corpse. Eventually the parasite dies if it does not move to the the next source of livelihood.
ECL asserts that he saw this coming then why didn’t he give chance to somebody else to lead PF? Wilful blindness to ECL or empty Slogans don’t change reality the correct thing to do is to accept and face reality. If this is not adhered to, PF might not even appear on the ballot box in 2026. To be forewarned is to be forearmed
You are a crook sir.
Is changing his name part of plan B? I thought he was Chagwa but I have seen that he is now Changwa.
Ba Lungu akashimi kapela. Plan B will land you in a lot of trouble. Although you claim that you have accepted the verdict, in reality you have not otherwise you wouldn’t be talking about plan B. One man shouldn’t be allowed to hold the nation to ransom.
Ba former President ikalenifye nomba…and enjoy your retirement with grace and honor.
As to the incumbent President HH, I advise you to now be ruthless with anyone trying to disrupt the peace that Zambia now enjoys as a result of your governance. If ECL wants to overthrow your present government by any means, please I urge you to deal with him ruthlessly. No more compromise. The economy has been in bad shape because of the previous PF regime under Mr. Lungu where he encouraged his cohorts to steal
while employed by the government at the expense of many suffering Zambians. Kids could not go to school, opposition parties were not allowed to campaign including the now ruling UPND. Money was stolen with impunity with slay queens jamming up the presidential plane to go twerk for Lungu and his minions. Everyone became a thief under PF.
Let anyone know including ECL that you mean business governing Zambia and that no one is above the law to do as they please otherwise the long arm of the LAW will visit and deal with such culprits. The economy may be biting now but it is
not your fault, this is due to the gross economic mismanagement brought about by Lungu and the PF. These guys should not be left off the hook, remember they have stolen lots of money and are somewhat financially powerful, hence they don’t care about sabotaging the present government for their selfish political and financial gain. Do. It give them room at all, enough is enough. Your patience should run out by now. Be the headmaster of a country with a big whip to whoop their bums real good so they learn. Otherwise chickens never learn. The Concourt has ruled and given the verdict and it is for everyone to respect the rule of law.
Please Mr. President HH, deal with these thugs once and for all. Be strong be smart but deal with them ruthlessly. No room for sentiments or compromises. You are the incumbent and you mean well for the country that’s why people voted for you to govern them and being to book all crooks of the past regime and the present too.
Corruption is at its highest even in your administration because some PF elements are still
there collaborating with your cabinet officers in stealing from the people of Zambia. This cannot continue. Be the President people voted for. Be like President-elect Trump in a way. No games..! UPND people presently in your administration must be warned too that should they be found wanting, the law will deal with them ruthlessly. There shouldn’t be any sacred cows.
Collins Teembo December 11, 2024 At 9:00 am
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The constitution of Zambia has spoken well through our courts.
Hopefully, this syndrome which occurred should never be entertained in the future of our country.
Yes, it can be exciting to have a a workmate become the President of Zambia. Importantly, it is very important to remember the laws of the country.
It is totally wrong and imbecilic to start misusing once former workmates.
These things have happened in our own eyes.
Are we still doubting about a clause that bars someone, resigning especially in Government and immediately stands for presidency? If it is not in our constitution, there is need to include it and this time we must say at least five years must a laps before standing for Precedency.