LUSAKA…..Sunday, June 2, 2024. [SMART EAGLES]

Mporokoso Member of Parliament Hon Brian Mundubile says he practices clean politics and that at no time would he want to defame people unfairly.

Hon Mundubile said that is why statements of hate speech ought to be condemned.

In the recent weeks, some UPND members at various Pressers, made remarks and threats targeted at different individuals such as Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda, Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and other opposition figures.

Several Members of Parliament among them Hon Mundubile condemned such acts and carefully called out individuals thought to have made such statements to retract them.

Arising from this, Hon Mundubile has since been summoned to appear before the Police in Solwezi following a complaint from an Individual Named Bruce Kanema.

And Hon Mundubile said: “If you followed the interviews so closesly, I called on all those that were making statements inciting violence and propagating hate speech. I talked about Hon Charles Milupi, I talked about Treveor Mwiinde, I talked about Bruce Kanema because all these names appeared in videos making threats as it were.”

He said what ought to be condemned are the statements of hate speech.

Hon Mundubile said if the person in the company of Bruce Kanema was the one who made those insulting statements, then bruce kanema should not have been the one but call out the person that made the statements as it were.

“I consequently mentioned several names that appeared on those Press Brieifings. Of course in the process, there are statements that can be attributed to one but yet having been made by another. And in that case it could be a case of mistaken identity.

In the case of Bruce Kanema, if those statements attributed to him were not made by him but the person that appeared with him, then of course that could be regrettable. If in the video, the statements made threats against Jay Jay Banda were not made by Bruce Kanema then that is regrettable, I would not have wanted to join into that,” he said.


  1. Ba Mundubile just appologize for accusing innocent people wrongly. Using words like ” I wouldn’t have wanted that” falls short of an appology for a person claiming to practice clean politics. Bruce reported you to the police coz u falsely accused him. JJ is now falsely accusing people of having kidnapped him because he thinks one can falsely accuse somebody innocent and get away with it. That era is gone, u accuse a person whether ruling or opposition falsely u should be held to account. It’s age of technology there is need for decency in how our politics are conducted in our Country

  2. What clean politics are you practicing, when you are always talking about HH and UPND as if that is what you were elected for. You have even failed to take development in Mporokoso, what have you done there, the CDF is just marooned in the account. Some of you hate speech has become your daily bread, a day can hardly pass without mentioning the name HH or UPND. When MZ was uttering the bad words of hate speech, elders who were there were even clapping, showing approval to what he was saying, were you not among the clappers? If you were among them, those are not good political practices that you claim to have. Just stop those bad practices, why can’t you emulate your brother Hon. Sunday Chanda, Hon. Robert Chabinga? After HH, I wouldn’t be surprised if Zambians propose names of people like Hon. Chanda. I can assure you, many Zambians now trust and respect Hon Chanda in PF more than most of you guys.


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