I See division Between The Catholic Bishops And The Priests In Our Local Churches – Chilufya Tayali


By Chilufya Tayali


As a Catholic, I would never dare to engage, or comment, on issues of Faith on my Bishops and Priests, or the clergy as it were, in public, but I am sure on general human welfare, social justice, human rights and good governance I can be allowed to put out my layman’s thoughts.

Firstly, I would like to appreciate the Zambia Episcopal Conference for their Pastoral letters that they publish reflecting various issues in our Country. Usually it is a true reflection of what many of us observe. Of course the Pastoral letter highlights both the positive and negative, so it is balanced and objective.

Unfortunately, actions of SOME of our Bishops give a different impression SOME KIND OF DUALISM. It is like they admonish the civil leadership during the day, but they wear black at night to go and fraternize with the perpetrators of the vices they condemn.

It give an impression that, their messages in the Pastoral letters is just a SMOKESCREEN yet behind closed doors, they are massaging these Government leaders with approbations. Which somehow seem to explain why these leaders are relentless in abusing their powers and ignoring the plight of the citizens.

The confidentiality of the content of the discussions makes it even worse, these are public leaders and we expect transparency, unless they if they tell us that their meetings are group Spiritual direction.

On the other hand we have seen a number of Priests pointing out some of the issues people complain about. The message is usually appreciated by the general public (all the people of God of GOODWILL).

However, the following day, some of these Priests, are censored, abused and the Church demonized by cadres, Govt officials INCLUDING THE ENTIRE PRESIDENT.

We have even seen some of them being summoned to appear before the Police to explain their sermons. Actually we would have seen some of them being arrested had not been for the indignation of the general public.

Nationally, when such things happen, many people expect that the leadership of the Church (Bishops) will come out in defense of their Priests and the Church, alas, we see the Bishops subtly inviting the Govt leaders to their Cathedrals and celebrate Mass in their honor as they invite them to address the congregants, albeit them issuing circulars warning Priests treat all the faithful the same.

I would cite a number of issues, or incidences where some of us would have loved to hear our Bishops pronounce themselves as Good Shepherds tending the sheep, it is not a court affidavit to convict anyone.

Please don’t get me wrong, anyone if free to attend Mass, and our Bishops (or the clergy as a whole) should be free to meet anyone at any time, but certain instances the impressions created is worrisome to the general public.

I am not a theologian but from my basic knowledge, I draw examples from Jesus who never showed any dualism in what he preached and his conduct.

Jesus also never left the public wondering about his position. And most importantly, he never gave an impression that he was more closer to the authorities than the poor suffering masses.

The Book of Matthew has many examples on how Jesus dealt with the authorities and I he unequivocally made is position known to both the authorities and the general public.

When there was a doubt, Jesus clearly settled the matter PUBLICLY, not going to the Kings palaces and have closed door meetings then come out smiling to take pictures as if everything was well.

Even under intense pressure, before Pilate, Jesus stood resolute and firm, no compromise.

Of course Jesus called some of the people working in the administrations, of the time, such as Matthew and Zacchaeus, among others, but he made sure they left their old ways and served the people.

But our Bishops, fraternize with the administration without any noticeable positive change for us to appreciate their interactions.

Anyway, I can go on and on, but I hope my message can be taken, otherwise, outside our Faith, we are seeing SOME of these Bishops to be highly compromised and it is difficult to defend our Church when we see screaming headlines in the daily tabloids.

Somehow, some of these Bishops are making some of us who are fighting the ills of this Govt rendered hopeless after suffering so much and being exiled.

Where will I draw my strength if my Bishops seem very comfortable and posing for pictures like they are ordaining our Priest to be their Arch-Archbishop for our nation.

I certainly don’t judge these leaders, but I speak out on the wrong things I see and urge them to change, but what do “I”, and many other advocates and oppositions get for speaking out.

These, and those other sins I may have forgotten, I ask for your forgiveness.



  1. Nothing will be left standing in the Mingalatoon’s country …even the incorruptible Council of Catholic Church Bishops is now seemingly divided.
    As laity we will just watch their games…
    We had the Zambia Episcopal Conference of Arch Bishop Mung’andu, Bishop De Jong..and others , strong in faith , Concern for both Spiritual and Material needs of the Congregants… never shying away from expressing their views through pastoral communication…even participating in the dawn of the third republic at the cathedral of the holy cross…but today the police can enter the sanctity of the Bishop’s office, take over a Catholic Church and subject congregants to searches…talk of the degeneration in governance…the legislature, Judiciary and executive…and all seems not to be a big deal to our Bishops..It’s all smiles! No wonder Arch Bishop Dr Alick Banda had to work with Carlitas to express concerns on the state of governance in Zambia..We have a divided Council of Catholic Bishops with moles leaking information to the Mingalatoon, and working to divide the same council so that they don’t agree on anything… Very sad!

  2. Webo mambala bwela kuno. Bushe uwalekutuma mukulwishiaimitundu imbi ninani?
    Fwebo twaupila kumitundutunndu imbi ishili yakwesu. Nomba kinshi mukoleta intulubundi. Abanabesu tukabatwala kwisa?


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