I was gifted an interesting book by Chifumu Banda – Edgar Lungu


I was gifted an interesting book by Chifumu Banda – Edgar Lungu

Fellow Citizens,

On Tuesday, as my wife Esther and I navigated a day filled with road closures and blocks intended to prevent my Party Members and Supporters from attending either my Constitutional Court ruling at the Supreme Court or my wife’s trial hearing at the Subordinate Court, I had an unexpected encounter.

I ran into my older brother, State Counsel Chifumu Banda, who gifted me a book titled “How to Deal with Id!ots” by philosopher Maxime Rovere.

As I previewed the text of the book, I noticed that the author delves into understanding how we interact philosophically and ethically. In times when our traditions and ways of life are evolving, learning or understanding how to interact with one another becomes one of the most important aspects of human development.

I must confess I cannot wait to read this book in full and once I have thoroughly read, I will recommend a couple of chapters for you too. But I understand it is a real page turner!

Thank you.



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