Independent and Public Inquiry needed in Jay Jay’s Abduction Case- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Independent and Public Inquiry needed in JayJay’s Abduction Case

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

The utter deception and clear criminal conduct of the State in the Emmanuel JayJay Banda’s case has raised serious concerns and requires an independent, fair and objective inquiry, probably led by a High Court or Supreme Court Judge.

•Veteran senior and respected lawyer, Hon. Sakwiba Sikota has revealed that during interrogations that took place on Friday, 31st May 2024 at the Security Command Centre in Lusaka, Petauke Central Member of Parliament, Hon. Emmanuel JayJay Banda, revealed the names of his abductors.

• According to Hon. Sikota, Hon. Banda was discharged from Maina Soko Medical Centre and was immediately whisked away by the Police in an apparent illegal detention.

• The Police refused the emotional plea from the family or lawyer to allow JayJay to be allowed to recuperate for a few days.

• Hon. Sikota has revealed that JayJay disclosed the names of his abductors. He named two senior State House Officials and UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson, Trevor Mwiinde as persons behind this heinous crime.

• Although Hon. Sikota has not disclosed the names of the two State House officials, State House Media Specialist, Clayson Hamasaka has immediately denied involvement… I guess it’s the case of “Imbila ya mushi, tabayasukila!”.

• Despite this credible information from the lawyer who was present during interrogations, Minister of Defence, Hon. Ambrose Lifuma has claimed that Hon. Emmanuel Banda did not name or disclose the details of his abductors- another clear deception.

• Looking at the conduct of the State in this matter where the Police forcibly abducted JayJay Banda from Medlands Medical Facility and were inhumane to literally abduct JayJay shortly after his discharge from Maina Soko, it is clear that Hon. Sakwiba Sikota is telling the Truth.

• Now the State wants to charge JayJay Banda charged with a fictitious criminal offence apparently emanating from 2019, to ensure that he is incarcerated without bond or bail.

• Further, official statements have only gone to cement the perception that the crisis is a State abduction or UPND abduction or a combination of both. Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said this was an apparent suicide with a suicide note found; “Sorry Zambians” and Ministry of Information and Media, Permanent Secretary, Thabo Kawana,claimed JayJay was very fine but Kawana seemed obsessed with the issue that JayJay has 3 wives, a matter he has publicly spoken about.

•The abduction of Hon. JayJay Banda is such a serious crime that it has potential to permanently discredit the Government of President Hakainde Hichilema….it should therefore be treated as important.

• Before any formal investigations or details emerged, Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Jack Mwiimbu claimed “Government was not involved in anyway in Hon. Banda’s abduction”! How could he determine this at such a premature stage?

• From the day JayJay Banda went missing to now, State House online rogue media, run by State House media staff, has led a dangerous, scandalous, defamatory and vilification campaign against the victim, Hon. JayJay Banda and former President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
• Further, what I witnessed on the early morning of Monday,29th May 2024, where Lusaka Police Commissioner and his team, State House team and the “C5” Anti-Robbery Unit descended on Medlands Hospital and forcibly extracted Hon. JayJay Banda, pointed to a serious matter.

•It is these malicious activities that raise serious suspicions about the extent of State House or it’s staff’s involvement in the abduction case.

• Further, the unwarranted and fierce crackdown where five senior leaders of the Opposition; FDD President Edith Nawakwi, Mfuwe MP, Hon. Maureen Mabonga, Lumezi Independent MP, Hon. Munir Zulu, Christian Democratic Party, Apostle Dr. Dan Pule, and Civil Society and Human Rights Activist, Brebner Changala, have been detained, raises matters not about the security concerns of our country, but about why the State want literal silence on the matter of the abduction of JayJay Banda, where only their deception and lies become the national narrative.

• Ms. Edith Nawakwi and Mr. Brebner Changala accused the State or it’s officials of being behind the abduction. They have been proven right with these new revelations. I hope the State will promptly release them.

• What is underway is a clear cover-up, a serious cover-up of the abduction of Hon. JayJay Banda. A cover-up is another serious criminal offence.

President Hichilema is therefore called upon to establish a formal and independent public inquiry into the criminal abduction and clear intent to harm the life of Hon. Emmanuel JayJay Banda.


  1. Mwamba go to the nearest police station and explain what you know.You must have the data.If they find that you are just politicking you may risk being detained.Were you available when JJ was questioned? What did counsel Saki tell you?You are not loud and clear.Commission of inquiry may be costly.Kindly tell us what you know your self before people’s allegations fall on your head.Why don’t you remain mute if you know nothing in this matter.Mwamba be careful you may be visited by the law.Dont mention names of you are not sure.Dont talk from the grapevine please.

  2. At the rate Mr. Mwamba is going, it will not be surprising if he ends up being called to give evidence in relation to matters he is referring to so eloquently.


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