Prince Ndoyi

Bill 10 Advocates have said the fall of Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 does not in any way affect President Edgar Lungu and the PF, but Zambians.

Bill 10 Advocate Prince Ndoyi says Bill 10 had progressive clauses to benefit Zambians but was shot down by a few selfish individuals led by Mr Hakainde Hichilema.

He says Zambian are the ones on the losing side and not President Lungu.

Mr Ndoyi adds the UPND will soon call President Edgar Lungu “a hero” for his immeasurable love for constitutional reforms as evident in the past constitution amendments of 2016 and the failed Bill 10, saying the losers are the Zambian people who needed the Bill so much.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr Ndoyi further says it is unfortunate that GEARS Executive Director McDonald Chipenzi has gone on an antihill to claim that Zambians will not allow President Lungu to contest 2021 Presidential election.

“Mr. Chipenzi and others can not decide what Zambians want because they are speaking as individuals and not on behalf of the 17 million Zambians,” he said.

And Mr. Ndoyi has also challenged Constitutional Lawyer John Sangwa to go ahead with his plans to challenge President Lungu’s eligibility to contest the 2021 Presidential election.

Meanwhile, Bill 10 Advocates Chair person Chilufya Chishala has challenged Members of Parliament to show Zambians where Bill 10 states that it was meant to protect President Lungu’s so called “third term”.

Mr Chishala has observed that Zambia will continue being a secular state because the UPND went round to lobby for funds from international organisations to advance abominable agendas such as lesbians and gays.

Bill 10 Advocates took the advocacy to another level as they travelled to Eastern Province, Muchinga and North-Western provinces to explain the contents of the Bill.

In North-Western Province,the team received death threats for talking about the Bill.


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