I’ve Been Sold Out By My Own, Says Upnd Kamwala Ward Councillor Simataa

Mainda Simataa


My ‘Pamela’ court case has started today after 7 months of back and forth, and I’M SHOCKED that the PF elements we fought and defeated yesterday, still have a dominant foothold in our internal affairs today, getting 100% protection and support from some influential UPND members who’ve made a business of doing PF favours at the expense of their own!

There’s a point at which every man breaks – for me, the breaking point is discovering that my accusers and persecutors are receiving strong backing from people I’ve spent the past 10 years fighting for and with – powerful senior members of my own political party, UPND.

It pains me that PF did the worst of things to Zambians, not just us UPND members – yet no Zambian, let alone a UPND member, ever saw justice, or won a case in court against them, til this day – all our cases died prematurely at police inquires. PF solidarity, though for wrong reasons, showed what it means to belong to a political family – maximum protection was assured – they never sold each other out to us.

But in UPND today, we’re not safe or secure within ourselves – we’re our own worst enemies – even when we try to do the right thing for the right reasons – like I tried in warning the public to look out for a vehicle suspected to be involved in an attempted kidnapping – you, my senior leaders, there today because we hoped you’d stand for us, took sides with a former PF ambassador and her two sons against me.

The day I received a call from above to “make peace with the PF ambassador”, I knew there was something very wrong – you wanted me to apologize to her, you opened your office doors and ears to her more than me, you looked on when she used PF officers at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe police to throw me and my co-accused youth IPS in cells in Avondale and it took my deputy mayor Ketty Nanyangwe to sign police bond for me…even when I told you her sons came to the police station to mock me dressed in PF regalia, you brushed that aside because you had already sold me out!

I did what I did for public good and safety, but what reason do you, my leaders have, in protecting and advancing the cause of the enemy, one former PF ambassador’s wounded political pride… what do you stand to benefit?


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