When the story is told and books are written about the Zambian people’s struggle and fight for Democracy, Good Governance, Youth Empowerment, the rule of the law and building of a just & equitable society the name James Lukuku shall be mentioned in the same breath with the greatest sons and daughters of our land. He gave his all to his people and country. He sought neither fame nor riches but that which was good for all. A hard working and dedicated Opposition Alliance partner and spokesperson he was.

James Lukuku fought for the betterment of his country, we remember how in 2008 as National Revolution Party Secretary General he exposed blatant corruption by then acting president Rupiah Banda who gave out k15 million (Unrebased) to the NRP so that he could secure their endorsement for Presidency in the 2008 Presidential By- elections. In exposing that corruption Lukuku is reported to have said “what about the future because we are youths, because in the process we are going to be subjected to observe most of these political ethics if we really mean to be the ultimate in politics”So grounded in his ideals and principles was he that he refused to participate in the sharing of ill-gotten money.

We are also reminded of the reasons he gave for forming his own political party the Republican Progressive Party in march 2013. He said that the failures of the Patriotic Front Government to address the plight of the youth who are leaders of tomorrow had forced him to launch his own party.

As an Opposition Alliance partner he was always ready to render his services and support whenever need arose. So dedicated to the cause was he such that, in a now viral social media video, he was recorded expressing his belief that even if he is no longer there justice would prevail and the thieves & looters in Government would be taught a lesson by the people. In his call to the youth of the country he said “I therefore implore the youth in this country to be proactive and reposition themselves in the governance of the nation because the ruling PF government cannot be trusted”

We are well aware that as the Opposition Alliance that we have lost a pillar and trusted comrade. However, this is not a time for us to give up or lose hope; on the contrary this is a time for us to forge ahead in unity and purpose. What greater honor can we bring our friend’s memory than liberating our country from this PF dictatorship and restoring the rule of law and good governance. It is incumbent upon us now to see this revolution and struggle through to its logical conclusion. In the words of our dear departed Alliance Partner James Lukuku, “Let us always remember the poor in all our endeavors.”
As UPND Lusaka Province we celebrate the life of RPP President James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku. MHSRIP


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