Kabimba’s Hallucinations are of a Man Drunk on Pocket Change- Dr. Catharine Frazha Benkele Mulaisho


Kabimba’s Hallucinations are of a Man Drunk on Pocket Change

By Dr. Catharine Frazha Benkele Mulaisho

We love UPND, but we detest and hate bootlickers and all those who stand against democracy, short-sighted individuals whose vision extends only to the length of their trouser pockets. Wynter Kabimba, once a fierce critic of President Hakainde Hichilema, has now become his most shameless apologist, spouting nonsensical claims that are nothing short of a desperate attempt to remain relevant.

In his latest public performance, Kabimba has suggested that President Hichilema could delay the 2026 elections for 20 years if he wanted to, further illustrating just how far Kabimba has drifted from any form of political integrity. What’s clear is that Kabimba is no longer speaking for the Zambian people, but for the few breadcrumbs that have been thrown his way by the Hichilema administration.

*A Useful Idiot in Opposition*

Kabimba’s recent political realignment is not a surprise to those who have followed his career. He has become the quintessential “useful idiot,” a term that fits him perfectly. With his belly clearly full from the crumbs of power and influence he has been fed, Kabimba has sold out whatever remains of his political credibility. This is a man who once positioned himself as a champion for the people, only to now speak with the voice of a man whose principles have been auctioned off to the highest bidder.

For Kabimba to suggest that President Hichilema could delay elections for 20 years and to dismiss the public outcry against Article 52(6) as “mischief” or “absurdity” is not only reckless but patently ridiculous. His claim that the President’s comments were misunderstood is laughable. Kabimba would have us believe that the entire Zambian population is either deaf or too intellectually inferior to grasp the President’s words. In reality, Kabimba knows full well what he is doing—deliberately distorting the truth to shield his newfound benefactor from criticism.

*A Long History of Betrayal*

This is not the first time Kabimba has betrayed his own allies for personal gain. His political history is littered with instances where he has turned his back on those closest to him when it suited his own ambitions. Whether it was his former comrades in the Patriotic Front or his own short-lived opposition movement, Kabimba has consistently proven that his loyalty is for sale. The moment a carrot is dangled in front of him, he abandons ship with no regard for the people or principles he once claimed to stand for.

It is this kind of opportunism that has left Kabimba politically irrelevant and morally bankrupt. His sudden shift to defend President Hichilema after years of fierce opposition exposes the emptiness of his convictions. Kabimba doesn’t care about Zambia; he cares about his own comfort and standing, and if that means selling out the Zambian people for “pocket change,” he will do it without hesitation.

*Kabimba’s Attempt to Reframe Hichilema’s Words*

Let’s be clear: President Hichilema’s recent comments in Parliament about the potential for delaying elections were a direct challenge to Zambia’s democracy. To even hint at the possibility of extending his time in office beyond the constitutionally mandated term is an insult to the Zambian electorate. Kabimba’s attempt to reframe the President’s words as merely a discussion about “mischief” or “absurdity” in the law is a weak and transparent effort to cover up an alarming statement.

It doesn’t take a legal expert to see the danger in Hichilema’s comments. The fact that Kabimba, a former Justice Minister, is trying to downplay the implications of Article 52(6) shows how far he is willing to go to protect his newfound position as a useful tool in Hichilema’s machinery. Kabimba’s claim that Hichilema’s words were taken out of context is an insult to the intelligence of every Zambian who heard the President speak.

*The Hypocrisy of Kabimba’s Position*

For a man who once led the charge against the very same constitution he now seeks to defend, Kabimba’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. When it was politically convenient for him, he railed against constitutional loopholes and fought for electoral reforms. Now that he finds himself on the side of power, he is more than willing to dismiss these very same concerns as mere “mischief” or “absurdity.” This is not the behavior of a principled politician, but of a man who speaks with his stomach rather than his head.

Kabimba’s descent into political irrelevance is as tragic as it is predictable. His alignment with Hichilema is not based on any ideological convergence, but on sheer opportunism. The man who once prided himself on being a voice for the people has now become just another puppet in Hichilema’s political theater, parroting lines that he himself knows are untrue.


  1. The writer of this article is clearly misplaced and wants Kabimba to fight her battles. Because Kabimba has decided to align with UPND isno reason to write a long and wrong article to denounce and vilify him. She surely can prove her opposition to H H without name calling those who decide to change course. I wonder what it is that would make her resort to such extreme hateful positions.

  2. Democracy requires anyone to choose where to belong without being demonized. To be incensed with Winter for aligning himself with Upnd and use of degoratory remarks is an indication of bigotry.
    A true leader will not demean any person of different opinion. A true leader loves both friends and foes. He has great restraint in painting his foe black.


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