Kafwaya Backs Lungu’s Call for Professionalism Among Civil Servants


Kafwaya Backs Lungu’s Call for Professionalism Among Civil Servants

Lusaka, August 27, 2024 – Lunte MP, Hon. Mutotwe Kafwaya, has thrown his support behind former President Edgar Lungu’s call for discipline and professionalism in the civil service, stressing that such values are key to Zambia’s progress.

During a recent address, Lungu made a clarion call to all public servants to uphold the integrity of the civil service and reminded those who engaged in misconduct to think twice before making or accepting to do any action that goes against the law.

“I took time to listen to President Lungu him as I always do when he speaks. I sensed that he has developed a strong desire to see a professional civil service. This is exactly what my position is as well.”

Hon. Kafwaya, a former civil servant himself, took time to reflect on President Lungu’s words and emphasized how crucial it is for government workers to maintain professionalism in a country where the public service is at the heart of the economy.

“The significance of having a professional civil service in a country like ours where we only have public service economy and no other cannot be overemphasized.” said Hon. Kafwaya.

“We depend on it for everything, so we need our civil servants to be disciplined and focused.”

Hon. Kafwaya acknowledged that Lungu’s statements are bound to stir debate due to the former president’s lasting influence. Yet, he stood firm in his agreement with Lungu’s message.

“I join those who want to see discipline in the civil service,” he stated. “As someone who’s been in those shoes, I know the difference a professional, committed workforce can make.”

He further encouraged civil servants to make the right choices.

“For those who will heed the former presidents counsel, your reward is is on the way. However for those who will decide against his counsel by deliberately flaunting the law with impunity, sanctions await you.”

The Lunte Lawmaker’s message wasn’t just for civil servants; he also reminded the government of its duty to respect the law and serve the people transparently.

“Our role is to stand with the people and guide the government to operate within the bounds of the law, pointing out where they can do better,” he noted.

The Parliamentarian echoed President Lungu’s stern warning that public officials acting unlawfully, whether by choice or under pressure, would face legal repercussions.

Hon. Kafwaya closed his statement with a clear message to all public officers If they care about their future, they should choose professionalism.

His words are a timely reminder to civil servants across the country that professionalism, discipline, and integrity should be at the forefront of public service, as they are essential for the nation’s development.


  1. Chafwaya should not sugar quote what ECL said. In fact he did not say it but THREATENED civil servants that were not behind him now of retribution once he retained power.

  2. According to Mr. Lungu’s PF and Mr. Kafwaya, professionalism means giving them free reign to exercise their lawlessness and violence. Remember how PF cadres camped near the Supreme Court drinking beer when the Constitutional Court judges were looking at Mr. Lungu’s eligibility for a third term?

    During PF reign, the only law and professionalism was what PF decided. Their Police Force (PF) defecated on HH’s bed when they raided his house and teargassed him and his family. That is the definition of professionalism the PF way.

  3. Fedson Yamba, former secretary to the under PF is in court . Where was professionalism under PF?
    Most former PSs are in court. Lungu’s children and wife are in court. Where is the integrity? Be true to God and nation.
    Where is the professionalism of following civil servants to their homes if Lungu suspects them to be unprofessional? We have the courts of law to deal with suspected civil servants.
    Kafwaya must not lean on axil of evil to justify his tainted view. Sin is sin

  4. What exactly did Lungu mean when he said should he or UKA win “rogue” civil servants will be followed to their homes and “sorted out”? Who will do his dirty work? The usual PF thugs or the junkies in uniform that were recruited during PF rule? It is doubtful that Zambians will take it lying down. That time when men and women in uniform could be bullied by dirty PF thugs is gone and gone forever.


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