Mr Kambwili is now traversing the country preaching bush economics that don’t make sense.

He’s saying that Zambians are suffering because a sacrifice had to be made so that PF could build infrastructure.

That concept does not exist in Economics, it’s a delusion.
Moreover we have expert economists in Zambia who have never put forward that theory.

Ask the people of Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia and Tanzania who have gone through rapid infrastructure development in recent years.

The infrastructure development in those countries came with a higher standard of living, more jobs and a strengthening of their currencies.

They did not go through a period of suffering as Kambwili seems to suggest that Zambians need to suffer for sometime as a way to get development.

By the way, what infrastructure is he talking about?

The roads done recently in Lusaka are on a $700 Million debt to the Indian government on a 20 year loan, it will be future generations of Zambians to pay these unnecessary debts.

Will you be counting toll gates as development?

Kambwili is the same man that was condemning the PF for wastage of funds on a new Airport in Ndola where only 2 planes land there a day.

Mr Kambwili knows too well the causes of the economic problems but he can’t admit it, but he already admitted it last year when he was in opposition, and that is corruption, inflated project costs, borrowing for consumption, mismanagement of the mining sector, excessive debt and incompetent leadership.



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