Kawambwa by-election is done and dusted, people of Kawambwa have spoken again. We will, from the onset, like to congratulate our Nason Musonda for winning Kawambwa Parliamentary seat. We also proudly salute our gallant campaigners for over riding the overzealous opposition.
Going by the dynamics of our 2021 sweet victory, we have again registered a convincing victory against the rencarnated PF (Tonse). Tonse came into the electoral arena blowing hot air but left Kawambwa socked like village chicken.
Your God Father, ECL was in Kawambwa wagging a protracted campaign, what did you yield in return apart from demonstrating your old habits? ECL who was, all this time riding on the tide of the late President Michael Sata’s fortune is now facing a real challenge.
Shamefully, the peace that the country enjoyed in by-elections in the past three years has been replaced by the emergency of shameless violence reintroduced by PF wearing a Tonse jacket.
We hope the international community is watching attentively as the opposition is shamelessly threatening peace and democracy.
Vanguished Tonse, if this is your Plan B, we want to assure you that we will meet you head on. Our respect for peace, unity and inclusiveness must never ever be mistaken for cowardice or weakness.
Remember, we faced you squarely and decisively when we were in opposition and perceived. You should know that today we are in full control of things.
We shall not let you destroy Zambia’s renowned culture of peace loving and go scot free.

Petauke and Pambashe Constituencies are coming, like they say in Copperbelt “Chisanga ba lete” indeed, come in big numbers, the harder you will fall.
The unconfirmed information is indicating that a desperate Zambian opposition party intends to invite former South African President Jacob Zuma to and help them redeem their lost fortune.
Are these not the same people who stopped Musi Maimani to enter Zambia to give solidarity to the incarcerated HH at the time? Caona muzako mawa cili kwaiwe.
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With Mwinde at the helm of violence in Kawambwa, now we understand why someone is boasting that it will not be easy to remove him.
Walaaaa! The people have indeed spoken. The era of cave politics of pangas, deceit and manipulation is fast ebbing out. Political maturity is what will build this nation, not pamaka – ayakuposafye amabwe! Chilangwa and his PF stifled development in that constituency thinking they were fixing the ruling party but the Kawambwa people are smarter than these PF hoodlums.
2026 Vote wisely again (with your brains!). HH7 mpaka 20 Sate 1!