Sir, always remember that you are Zambian before anything and you have no choice; the only other choice you have is a choice to fail and prematurely end your career.
Your alleged refusal to fly the Zambian flag yesterday is a regrettable action which can lead to your downfall.
Your action yesterday is like that of an uncultured boy who if the father has struggled and failed to provide a meal for that particular moment, then the boy disowns his father and opts to use the surname of his friend’s father who invited him for lunch.
You don’t handle life like that and you don’t disown your father in that uncultured manner.
Not too long ago, you are the same Muzala who received the Presidential Award at State House, an honour which not even your biological father was privileged to receive in his life time.
As if that is not enough, the President further went off his way and assured the nation that he was going to personally support you grow your talent by sponsoring you to go and acquire more skills in your athletic career in the US.
We don’t want to talk about how government has supported you in the past to reach where you are now. Even if government was struggling to meet your expectations, Country comes first.
You are a Zambian 🇿🇲 before anything and your handlers misleading you will soon run away from you after ruining your career.
ADIDAS has come and will soon go but Zambia will always be there until the end of time.
Actually, you are lucky that you are misbehaving like this in the UPND government where there is order. If it was in PF, you were going to lose your passport and that was going to mark the end of you. You were going to be running along Rind Road in Lusaka, or around Kuku Grounds in Chawama alone just to keep fit as you were not going to have access to fly out of the country again to go and compete at international level.
So Sir, your handlers shouldn’t be using sexual feelings to think, let them use their brains. They will ruin your career and it’s you and your family who will suffer.
For today, Koswe will end here!
Afterall you are running like a ducks and you should tell him to stop misbehaving, infact you need to appologise.
Running like a duck? Really? What a way to “appreciate”Someone who got your country the only miserable Olympics medal after nearly three decades of failure.
No no no he misbehaved don’t support such sports characters you are also trying to lead him to carrier doom. There is no way he can behave that way despite have brought pride to Zambia but at the same time it is a personal achievement not for me or you so he has the duty to protect its base.
If you make him disregard the koswe advice then you are not being helpful.
It is true he needed his money and definitely he was going to get it even without such unZambian behavior Do you think all those athletes had no problem didn’t you hear the complain from Nigerians but still had the flag up! Refusing to fly the National flag -Who does that? No country can tolerate that despite achievement and I never heard such.
Let’s not appreciate wrong.
Afterall you are running like a ducks and you should tell him to stop misbehaving, infact you need to appologise.
Running like a duck? Really? What a way to “appreciate”Someone who got your country the only miserable Olympics medal after nearly three decades of failure.
No no no he misbehaved don’t support such sports characters you are also trying to lead him to carrier doom. There is no way he can behave that way despite have brought pride to Zambia but at the same time it is a personal achievement not for me or you so he has the duty to protect its base.
If you make him disregard the koswe advice then you are not being helpful.
It is true he needed his money and definitely he was going to get it even without such unZambian behavior Do you think all those athletes had no problem didn’t you hear the complain from Nigerians but still had the flag up! Refusing to fly the National flag -Who does that? No country can tolerate that despite achievement and I never heard such.
Let’s not appreciate wrong.
When is the gentleman going to appreciate? Because besides allowances, he got a lot of money from well wishers which include some Chinese companies and the Republican President in his personal capacity if I am not mistaken. As a fan, I am very disappointed with him. When we participate in these international games, first and foremost we do so to represent our country, then our country appreciates us by giving us allowances. So the country always comes first and money comes second. Let him apologize if he can.
When is the gentleman going to appreciate? Because besides allowances, he got a lot of money from well wishers which include some Chinese companies and the Republican President in his personal capacity if I am not mistaken. As a fan, I am very disappointed with him. When we participate in these international games, first and foremost we do so to represent our country, then our country appreciates us by giving us allowances. So the country always comes first and money comes second. Let him apologize if he can.
Whether in the cold or warmth nationality remains intact.It was unfortunate to reject your status/ nationality. There are many other ways to complain.Everything that happens does so for a reason ; learning opportunity…
Whether in the cold or warmth nationality remains intact.It was unfortunate to reject your status/ nationality. There are many other ways to complain.Everything that happens does so for a reason ; learning opportunity…
The people condemning Muzala, can you work without getting paid? We shouldnt be taking advantage of our sportsmen and women just because they are Zambians. The “working” life of sportsmen is very short and they need to make money during their prime.
Ba Beenzu you are on point but it is not good underworld binocularses one refuses to stand by your National flag. In the first place who has sponsored you to be there? There are other administrative ways to claim what is owed to him than critical twist of the arm that is assisting him to climb. We have heard of finding him place in the US for high quality training.
Koswe is right some countries that would be the end of his carrier refusal to fly the National flag because it is a must. The extend of using ADIDAS trade mark is total disregard of his Nation….who does that?
The people condemning Muzala, can you work without getting paid? We shouldnt be taking advantage of our sportsmen and women just because they are Zambians. The “working” life of sportsmen is very short and they need to make money during their prime.
Ba Beenzu you are on point but it is not good underworld binocularses one refuses to stand by your National flag. In the first place who has sponsored you to be there? There are other administrative ways to claim what is owed to him than critical twist of the arm that is assisting him to climb. We have heard of finding him place in the US for high quality training.
Koswe is right some countries that would be the end of his carrier refusal to fly the National flag because it is a must. The extend of using ADIDAS trade mark is total disregard of his Nation….who does that?
Before you condemn someone’s reaction try to understand the cause. You should never always lie to your athletes. The other time it was a swimmer who complained. Have the decency of not lying to your sportsmen and sportswomen if you have no money to pay them. Better you keep quiet than raising their hopes with lies. Yes country comes first but the country through its agents must be honourable. Don’t be one sided in your condemnation just because athletes are soft targets.
Before you condemn someone’s reaction try to understand the cause. You should never always lie to your athletes. The other time it was a swimmer who complained. Have the decency of not lying to your sportsmen and sportswomen if you have no money to pay them. Better you keep quiet than raising their hopes with lies. Yes country comes first but the country through its agents must be honourable. Don’t be one sided in your condemnation just because athletes are soft targets.
Koswe the UPND mouthpiece. Useless blog, this one.
Koswe the UPND mouthpiece. Useless blog, this one.
It’s not lack of money. Money is always released but there are people in that ministry like Jason kabanana who steal it.
It’s not lack of money. Money is always released but there are people in that ministry like Jason kabanana who steal it.
There are valid points in this write up but the tone is a bit too harsh. Boycotting the flag was definitely taking his argument too far, and also speculatively maybe exaggerating how powerful or influential he thinks he is, but how do ”sexual feelings” rationally come into the conversation?
What indeed is this sexual argument? Has Koswe just run out of vocabulary?
There are valid points in this write up but the tone is a bit too harsh. Boycotting the flag was definitely taking his argument too far, and also speculatively maybe exaggerating how powerful or influential he thinks he is, but how do ”sexual feelings” rationally come into the conversation?
What indeed is this sexual argument? Has Koswe just run out of vocabulary?
Koswe has no brains. They opinionate from ignorance. Dont you tell lies and build your arguments from lies. If Muzala wanted he could easily defect to Sweden or Saudi Arabia, Canada or Swtizerland where they are desperate for his kind of successes.
Many African athletes have done so. You must find out why he is protesting and work on punishing the culprits. The culprit is not Muzala He is a victim and for many years Zambian athletes have been suffering silently while your toothless governments sweep incompetence and corruption under the turf of Heroes stadium. We must therefore thank Muzala for bringing to light the numerous sufferings of sportsmen in Zambia
Koswe has no brains. They opinionate from ignorance. Dont you tell lies and build your arguments from lies. If Muzala wanted he could easily defect to Sweden or Saudi Arabia, Canada or Swtizerland where they are desperate for his kind of successes.
Many African athletes have done so. You must find out why he is protesting and work on punishing the culprits. The culprit is not Muzala He is a victim and for many years Zambian athletes have been suffering silently while your toothless governments sweep incompetence and corruption under the turf of Heroes stadium. We must therefore thank Muzala for bringing to light the numerous sufferings of sportsmen in Zambia