last year a member of parliament whom I shall not mention was treated for food poisoning at Coptic hospital after having had a meal from the Parliament motel restaurant – Hon. Munir Zulu


By Hon. Munir Zulu

I have read the article that has been issued by the National Assembly of Zambia with a pinch of salt 🧂. 

The statement has brought out issues of professionalism that the National Assembly does poses,  let me agree that indeed professionalism is what is practised but let them also address the thefts that take place in the car park  of the National Assembly Motel if indeed professionalism is what they practice. 

Let them dispute that some time last year a member of parliament whom I shall not mention was treated for food poisoning at Coptic hospital in Lusaka after having had a meal from the motel restaurant ! If professionalism is ignoring thefts at the motel car park, ignoring the food poisoning that takes place then I rest my case. 

I once thought that people would atleast address the problem than responding to facts .

It’s a fact that most people dressed in suits that eat from the motel are not ordinary citizens and how the access the motel is by virtue of either them being from secret service or cleared by someone somewhere.

Ordinarily visitors are cleared by members but we have noticed with consistency that certain vehicles are enjoying freedom to spy on members including in the restaurant which has professionalism like you put it in your response.

The least the management should have done was yo call me and listen to my side of the story than rubbish a  fact to save face. Times have changed and we won’t die without telling our stories public.
Anyway we shall continue to order more plates so that you do not know which food we shall eat from.
I remain MZ


  1. Parliament motel must take up this issue to clear their name, it is bad coming from one of their customers at parliament. If they do not take this up with the seriousness it deserves, a precedent would have been set

  2. Parliament has a committee which take care of Parliamentarians on issues concerning their well being,the honourable Member is misguiding himself to alarm and complain carelessly.Food poisoning is a general expression of poor condition of food after exposure to bacteria.House flies and cockroaches can be vectors of diarrheal diseases.But the picture the honourable Member is trying to portray about parliament motel is not good.It appears the food poisoning is not from rodents but fellow humans who may do that in order to cause harm.Security at all parliament buildings is available it may just be required to be revamped if there is need.In all institutions or homes order is paramount.There must be manners of putting things on the table in parliament and the honourable Member is aware.

    • This alarmist…so if this is not the first time you were posioned. Why did you go back to eat from the very “ses” pool you are complaining about? This is the basic definition of insanity. Repeating the same action and expecting a different outcome.
      Remove this man and take him to Chainama for a psychiatric evaluation. There is something seriously wrong with this man.


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