Lusaka City Council (LCC) Chairman for the Audit and Risk Committee has called on the Ministry of Local Government to immediately intervene and suspend culprits involved in the looting and misappropriation of over 50,000 litres of council fuel stocks amounting to over K1.5 million during a period of 6 months.

The fuel syphoning scandal came to light when councillor Simataa, who is also Kamwala Ward Councillor presented his Audit Findings executive summary report at the full council sitting held yesterday, Wednesday 10 July 2024 at the LCC council chambers.

The civic leader has further expressed concern that the culprits in the fuel syphoning scandal are allegedly connected to, and are using certain individuals at the Local Government Service Commission (LGSC) to protect themselves from being suspended, while they instigate transfers and demotions against whistleblowers at LCC.

Councillor Simataa has further expressed shock that LCC Deputy Head of Engineering Whitney Kolombo and HR officer Ireen Mulenga have been slapped with transfers simply for asking for fuel for them to go about performing their duties at a time Lusaka City is dirty and facing a crisis of uncollected garbage in markets and residential areas.

11 July 2024


    • HaaTembo, there is no need to insult me. It was not me that published the FIC report. I do not have any bank accounts in Panama, nor did I benefit immorally during privatisation of our precious national assets. I do not give away our mines to LGBT masters, and I keep all my promises.

      Just direct that same insult to your small god. The tribalist conman. He deserves that insult. He has earned it.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

    • For someone called Razor, you are not sharp at all.

      Take a guess why these crimes are not being pursued by the police. Just take a guess.

      When the boss is a corrupt thief, even his followers will be corrupt thieves. Surely this is not rocket science.

      Just vote wisely in 2026.


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