Lets allow FIC to investigate and prosecute – Sunday Chanda


Lets allow FIC to investigate and prosecute – Sunday Chanda

Kanchibiya, Zambia:

We are calling for an amendment to the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) of 2010 Section 5 to include “investigative and prosecutorial powers.” This will move FIC from just playing the role of a whistleblower to a law enforcement agency that will investigate and prosecute. This we must do if we are to win the fight against corruption.

In giving these institutions like FIC enough teeth to bite, we are calling for the following specific interventions:

1. Independent funding of LEAs: We must ensure that institutions have a stable and independent source of funding to prevent political interference.

2. Clear mandates: We must define and redefine clear and specific mandates for these institutions to combat corruption, and ensure they have the necessary powers to investigate, prosecute, and sanction corrupt activities.

3. Qualified personnel: We must attract qualified and trained men and women of honour to these institutions. These must be immune to political pressure and have a strong track record of integrity.

4. LEAs must enjoy Autonomy in their work: Learning from the past into the now, we are calling for the granting to these institutions autonomy in word and deed in order for them to operate independently, free from political interference or influence.

5. Let us enact Effective laws: We are calling for the enacting and enforcement of effective laws that provide strong legal frameworks for combating corruption. We shall support as well as bring to parliament motions in this regard.

6. Strengthening of Oversight mechanisms: We are calling for the establishment of robust oversight mechanisms to ensure institutions are accountable and transparent in their operations.

7. The fight against corruption depends on Public support and involvement: In order to foster a culture of zero tolerance for corruption, and encourage public support and participation in the fight against corruption, Zambians must own the fight against corruption and not leave it to politicians alone.

We believe that by giving institutions the necessary “teeth to bite,” such as giving FIC powers to investigate and prosecute, we will be empowering these institutions to effectively combat corruption and promote a culture of accountability and transparency for the good of the nation.


Hon Sunday Chanda
Member of Parliament



  1. Law enforcement agencies in the previous regime did not follow up reports from FIC because Lungu’s name was right at the top of the report. Let’s not forget Lungu’s famous “fwinti, fwiti… na mi kanilani” pronouncement. Just look for that video and you will understand Lungu’s total lack of commitment to fighting crime.

    Financial Intelligence Centre forwards the information they have gathered to law enforcement. There is no need to duplicate efforts. If LEA don’t act, the President fires them. HH has already started spitting fire. ACC board down. Others will be falling soon.

  2. You have suggested the same in the Judicary. Will that prevent or stop corruption?
    We read that there is collusion between the Judges and the Chambers State. The state is the one losing as it can not speak for itself. And therefore those appointed to speak for the state are said to be compromised. Would it not be the appropriate thing for the person heading it to step aside?
    Where is the investigator General? The said office of the Public prosecutor. Like in RSA what you suggest is what should happen to that office. Its after a body that investigates the investigators. Where are their reports? Like FIC why are their reports not published? We voted for transparency. Where is it in that agency? Ndweee…nakufola chabe. Ndalama za mahala.

  3. Why can’t the ones who are supposed to prosecute do it?We keep on introducing all sorts of investigative and prosecution agencies but things are getting worse.


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