Lungu Is Able To Walk Freely Due To The Rights And Freedoms Restored by UPND


Ndola District Commissioner Joseph Phiri says former President Edgar Lungu is managing to move freely in the streets of Lusaka because the New Dawn Government has restored tranquility in the country.

Mr. Lungu, the sixth Republican President, was on Thursday seen walking in the Lusaka Central Business District with some PF officials.

Speaking to Radio Icengelo News in Ndola, Mr. Phiri said President Hakainde Hichilema and his UPND have guaranteed human rights and freedoms as evidenced by Mr. Lungu’s stroll in Lusaka.

“I want to thank President Hakainde Hichilema. If you have observed from the time this (UPND) Government came into power there is peace in this country. Everywhere there is peace. Some politicians saying there is shrinking democratic space are just merely politicking. Look, the former President Edgar Lungu moves around freely without being attacked by anyone. This never used to happen during the reign of the last regime especially under the Patriotic Front. We had no freedom,” Mr. Phiri said.

“Now people can go to bus stations and markets with political attire without being attacked. Therefore, I want to appeal to the people of Ndola, to support this Government because it has restored peace and freedoms,” he said.

Mr. Phiri implored citizens to preserve peace and order.

“Let us value peace. Let us treasure peace. This Government has given people freedom to speak freely. People go to radio stations to say what they want but we just watch as the Government,” he concluded.


  1. Human rights are not given by any governments. Individuals give these to themselves. Even under ECL, Zambians still enjoyed these to some good degree. Zambia under ECL was not Afghanistan under the Taliban! It is therefore not HH who has given these to us. In fact there has been an erosion of individual rights under HH as respected international human rights organisation like Human Rights Watch are observing.

  2. Ba Upnd you like self praise. Surely wasn’t Hichilema moving freely during MMD and PF rules. If he Hichilema wasn’t moving freely, how did he manage to block Edgar Lungu’s motorcade in Mongu? And because he was moving freely, police didn’t even arrest him for blocking Lungu’s presidential motorcade. If today Harry Kalaba blocked Hichilema’s motorcade, can you imagine the wrath that can come from this ruthless Upnd police? So don’t fool yourselves by giving yourselves self praise which you don’t deserve. When PF had more women and youths marching on Women’s and Youth days, than the ruling Upnd, instead of accepting that you are a smaller party, you started saying ” it’s because of Hichilema’s conducive environment that they were able to march . . .”! Upnd was never stopped from marching during MMD or PF rule. You didn’t want to take part in any national event on instruction from Hichilema, out of frustration! So don’t think that because you are in Upnd so you are clever than all Zambians. Zambians know the truth, and what is good for them! Boos at Heroes stadium, happened yesterday, but Upnd is saying they didn’t happen. Those are signs that it’s begining of the end. Just start preparing for exit!


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