Laura Miti says she knew Edgar Lungu wouldn’t make a good President.

“There was no doubt in my mind and so I grieved as people insisted he was the one. I have to say though that I thought he would be incompetent but not harmful,” Laura states in a series of tweets. “I can’t believe the fundamental damage this presidency has caused to motherland. The educated voted for EL in proportionally high numbers too. They like to pretend theirs were sins of omission but zero. They were right here arguing for the humble leader while their cousins were dancing to dununa [reverse] at the market. I actually feared Sata more than EL. But EL has overachieved in the damage stakes.”

And Laura puts the harm caused by Edgar’s aides on his head.
“The leader steers the wheel. The extent to which others choose the direction must be okayed by the leader overtly or covertly. It is President Lungu that has chosen the direction towards the ditch. Others can only do harm he does not mind,” states Laura.

Not all Zambian presidents are missed once they leave State House. But Edgar will certainly be the least missed president – the worst president.

Edgar is certainly Zambia’s worst president. He has proved himself to be such an inept public servant.
Edgar has been a good dancer but certainly not a good president.

His dununa reverse moves are the antics of a dancer not a statesman.
Mind you, a flair for dancing is not a bad thing in a leader.

Good dancers can help rally a nation to defeat poverty. But Edgar is something else again.
As Edgar’s presidential failures keep adding up, remembering them all can be a challenge.
Edgar has not saved Zambians from hunger and poverty. Under Edgar’s presidency poverty has increased and not reduced.

Edgar’s presidency has institutionalised and deepened corruption. He is the most corrupt Zambian president.
Under Edgar’s presidency the Zambian economy is at its lowest and national debt at its highest.
Edgar has introduced very violent and intolerant politics in the nation. Media houses have been closed without hesitation and good reasons – sometimes on lies. Look at the way he closed The Post in total disregard of the Tax Tribunal’s order to reopen the newspaper and reconcile the disagreeable tax demands! How many television and radio stations has Edgar closed?

Look at his treatment of political opponents – Hakainde Hichilema, Chishimba Kambwili, Harry Kalaba and Dr Fred M’membe!

Look at his lawlessness!
He has liquidated The Post on a corruptly obtained and defended ex parte order!
To this day he is occupying Dr M’membe’s house in Mwika Royal Village without any court order!
Look at what Edgar has done to our country’s image around the world!
Has Edgar united or divided our country?

Look at his abuse of the police, the courts, to further his political goals!
Look at his administration of the public order Act to deny his political opponents their constitutional and human rights to assemble, hold rallies or protest his bad policies and actions!
Look at how crime has increased under his presidency! Today people are not sleeping at night due to fear of being gassed by Edgar’s criminal gangs.

His real record on the economy, politics and social life of country is a disaster – the worst.
Look at his shocking abuses of taxpayer money; his bitterly divisive style of governing; his shameless usurpation of the Constitution; his scandals and cover ups; the unprecedented expansion of government power and more!

Edgar’s legacy of failure isn’t going anywhere.


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