MAKEBI ZULU: I Want To Go Back To DRC, Witness Cries In Malanji’s Case



Lusaka- Thursday, 27th June 2024

Charles Kabozya a witness from DRC broke under the piercing Makebi Zulu’s cross examination.

Kabozya offered to abandon his testimony in court and told Hon. Ireen Wishimanga that he wished to return to the DRC Embassy and go back home to Congo.

Mr. Charles Kabozya investigations magistrate from Kinshasa Congo, also told the court that he has does not know Malanji and that he has never met him before.

He further told the court that the two companies namely China Civil Engineering Corporation and Mass Investment Group SARL exit in Congo.

Kabozya further informed the court that he does not know and never met Malanji.

This is in a matter in which Malanji and former secretary to treasury Fredson Yamba are charged with 10 counts of willful failure to comply with laid down procedures and possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Yamba is charged with two counts of willful failure to comply with laid down procedures while Malanji is facing eight counts of being in possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

During cross-examination, defence lawyer Makebi Zulu presented unmarked document to the witness and asked whether the document looks at the opening of different kinds of companies, Kabozya said he cannot pronounce himself to the document that is not coming from him.

“I don’t want to pronounce myself over a document that is not coming from me. It’s not because I’m Congolese that you will have to ask me on every document that are coming from Congo. I don’t want to comment on the document I know nothing about,” he said.

And asked to mention the name on the documents, the witness reserved himself from responding.

“I cannot pronounce myself on the document, I reserve myself before the court of law, I’m not here to satisfy anyone,” he added.

Further asked if he was able to see what was listed as objectives on the named document, Kabozya requested for the courts protection.

“I seek this court to protect me, I’m a witness and not an accused. This question is reserved for the accused. I was sent here by the Congo government, I’m a free citizen. I request the court to protect me. I can withdraw myself and go to the embassy and return home,” said Kabozya.

Cross-examination continues this morning


  1. I wonder how much the clearly fake witness was paid to tell lies under oath.

    The fake witness is fed up and tired. And wants to go home. Lies have short legs.

    • And you obviously thinks Malanje own businesses in Congo where he earns Millions of Dollars right? Zambians, why are we so sympathetic towards criminals? Malanje stole Millions of Dollars which he’s never shared with you and you’re so bent on wanting him to avoid jail. Shame on you!

      • Please read and understand my comment. I am not sympathetic to criminals. I am supporting the witness because despite having been bought at a fee, he has turned against his financer. How is that supporting criminals?

        • At a fee?
          Speak to the facts bwana. Follow the articles(both today and yesterday). And also ask if what is outlined here is a statement “lost in translation”. Remember this is not a court transcript or verbitum by a reporters point of view. What was he saying if put in context? Was the statement made lost on account of the language in was translated from? Would it be right for you to speculate on that?

          We read yesterday that the witness spoke to documents that were filed by Malaji’s lawyers in court and the prosecution sought the validity of the said documents. The witness spoke to this.
          In Cross examination, Makebi Zulu speaks NOT to the documents that were filed in court, but a SECOND set of documents. And want the witness to speak to those Documents. The Witness can not and has refused to speak to documents has not has the opportunity to verify the validity to.
          The Prosecution should have stood up for the witness. And had the documents that were now being brought before the witness expunged.

          There is something fishy about “slow Prosecutors, ACC and DEC officers who seem unprepared before a Court for which they have to appear as witnesses. Trial take place months after they are called and appear incompete. We saw this in the Chitotela case, and another case recently when a DEC officer failed to colaberate the narrative of the Prosecution. In the case, the Prosecutor should have asked the court to throw out documents present at that point that have not been exmined nor tested by the Court or witness prior and the witness was being asked to attest to something he was asked to attest to as an expert witness.


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