Mbala Mayor Goes To CDF Meeting With List Of Preferred Contractors


[LETTER] POSSIBLE ABUSE: Mbala Mayor Goes To CDF Meeting With List Of Preferred Contractors

Mbala illiterate Mayor goes with a list of contractors who should win contracts in the evaluation committee.

The mayor who does not understand how the system operates because of his low literacy levels went into the evaluation meeting of CDF projects with a list of contractors who he has partnered with, where he is getting 15% commission in each company.
Out of the 18 projects, the mayor, Mr Mulenga Sinyangwe has told the evaluation committee that 13 should be given to cadres who have agreed to give the Mayor and Town clerk Mr Musenge 15% of the total amount. Only five lots will be open to contractors.
The learned town clerk dictated that some of the requirements as enshrined in the bid document should be removed from the evaluation list or be ignored after realising that their contractors were missing important documents.

The advert came out to the public. People were subjected to acquire council permit costing K1,764, EIZ certificates at K2,200, bid document at K300, talkless of Napsa and all other necessary documents. How so could they require all such when they knew they would award contracts to themselves?
The mayor and the town clerk were heard turnishing the name of the president that His Excellence had directed them to do such barbaric acts to raise money for the party when they had a meeting in Lusaka in which all mayors, council chair persons, town clerks and council secretaries attended.

This came to light when the evaluation committee was told to check the documents for the pre evaluation winners first to see their statuses. Friday the 21st of October, 2022 was the day set to begin the evaluation but it proved futile and the evaluation failed to take off as the committee could not agree with the mayor and the town clerk.
The evaluation was rescheduled to Monday 25th October and again was rescheduled to 26th October when Mr Musenge issued instructions on behalf of the mayor who could not speak English in the meeting.
The Evaluation started on 26th. Nevertheless, you may wish to take note of the companies on the list attached and compare with the results.

The question could be, What change has the new down government brought?
Is this not the caderism people voted out?
Is there any difference between the previous behaviour and the behaviour exhibited by the Mbala mayor and his town clerk?
Just one year in power and they have grown wings, what more three or four years?

I end here, let’s wait for the list of companies that will be awarded contracts.


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