The perennial governance deficit continue to resurface every electoral cycle- allegations of the emergency of absentee MPs in their constituencies- mainly affecting those constuencies served by elected MPs who are also appointed and serving as ministers.
The panacea to this govenance deficit is by amending the constitution to have Ministers appointed from Outside Parliament while ordinary MPs concentrate on their key role of representation, enacting laws and facilitating development in their constituencies.
It is affrontic to effective representation and governance when the same person is a minister, MP and serve on other government demands plus international travels demanded by the ministerial and parliamentary positions.
It is just human to fail and starve the role of representation hence numerous complaints from the electorate that their MPs are never in their constituencies.
Ministers outside Parliament will also improve oversight role of the legislative wing of government and also effective scrutiny of government policies brought in by Ministers.
Ordinary MPs will not be expectant to be appointed ministers for the duration of that life of parliament but concentrate on their key roles in parliament and outside Parliament.
It was unfortunate that the 2016 Constitution amendment process removed this provision from the final text and constitution signed on 5 January, 2016.
We need the CLAUSE back.
I submit
McDonald Chipenzi