Ministry Of Community Development Takes Over Care For 13 Girls Who Survived Abduction


Ministry of community development takes in 13 rescued girls

The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services have taken over the welfare of the survivors of abduction following the completion of their medical examinations.

The 13 young ladies who were rescued from the abductors last week had been undergoing medical check ups in Lusaka to ascertain their health statuses and establish the extent of their sexual exploitation and abuse.

The victims aged between 17 and 28 are currently in the custody of the Department of Social Welfare who have provided a place of safety as mandated in the provisions of the Anti-Gender Based Violence Act No.1 of 2011 and Anti-Human Trafficking Act No. 11 of 2008.

Minister of Community Development and Social Services, Doreen Mwamba has disclosed through a statement that the traumatic experience of the abductions has huge psychological effects on the mental health of the survivors, hence the need to subject the young ladies to a trauma and psychosocial therapy in a place of safety as part of the healing process.

“The Case Management processes which will be carried out by the social workers from the ministry alongside other professional psychologists from Chainama Hospital, will focus on psychological wellness and general welfare on case-by-case basis” Mwamba has said.

She has further said that the families of the survivors have since been informed of the planned interventions, and Government has requested for more time with the survivors before they are eventually reintegrated into their families.

She also disclosed that the families that travelled from other towns outside Lusaka to see their daughters will be provided with support by the ministry through the Lusaka District Social Welfare Office until the survivors are discharged from the Place of Safety.

“The families will also undergo counselling to ensure that they are in good state of mind to provide care and support to their daughters.The planned interventions require concerted efforts with various stakeholders and the Ministry is working closely with Gender Division as well as Non-Governmental Organisations to ensure that all supplies are provided to the survivors in order to safeguard their stay in the Place of Safety” Mwamba has emphasized.

She has assured that the ministry will keep the general public informed of the next steps of rehabilitation as the girls journey on the road to recovery.

Mwamba has also appealed to the media and the general public to desist from any publication of the identity or personal information of the survivors to avoid further victimization and traumatization of the young ladies.



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