A Prominent Lusaka Businessman has reported Lawyers Bellington Mosho and Mumba Muziya both of Mosha and Company Law firm to the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) for “professional misconduct.”

It is alleged that Mosho did conveyance of a property by entering the ZRA portal without the consent of the Businessman, used their Tpin and changed the passwords and names. It is also alleged that Mosho did not pay the right tax or did not pay at all.

The Businessman therefore wants the investigative wings to Investigate the officers at ZRA and Ministry of Lands as he suspects there could be a cartel working with Mosha and Company.

It further alleged that the said lawyers could be involved in Tax evasion and he wants ZRA and other Investigative wings to do an audit on their firm.

Furthermore, the Businessman is encouraging investigative wings such as the Anti Corruption, FIC and DEC to expeditiously move in and investigate them as he is confident they will fish out big breams of dirty dealings.

The Businessman believes Mosha and Company are ones who have been doing all the dirty work and fraudulent contracts for Mulenga Sata and other shady Businessmen.

The Lusaka Businessman suspects that Mosha and Company have been doing these kinds of activities to ignorant and unsuspecting clients and now it seems like they have met their match.

The Businessman now LAZ to intervene and discipline Mosha and Muziya because they are bringing the respectable and noble profession into disrepute.


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