Keith Mukata

Mukata proposes sharing children’s monthly expenses equally with ex-wife

By Mwaka Ndawa

FORMER Chilanga UPND member of parliament Keith Mukata has asked the Lusaka High Court to order that he and his ex-wife Maricho Hoare should equally contribute towards their children’s monthly expenses amounting to K79,000 until they are independent.

According to an affidavit in support of summons for maintenance and property settlement, Mukata requested that the property acquired during the subsistence of his marriage to Maricho be sold and proceeds be equally shared amongst himself, Maricho and the children.

Mukata listed properties acquired during the subsistence of the marriage as two semi-detached flats situated at Stand No. A2381/F/3a Kwamwena Valley in Chongwe district, a five-acre plot of Subdivision B of Subdivision 15 of Farm No. 691 in Kasupe, Lusaka West; a 1.3 acre of Subdivision A of Farm No. 691 in Kasupe, Lusaka West, two hectares of Farm 4151 situated in Meanwood Park, Kitwe.

Others are a five-acre land in Meanwood, Lusaka, property on holding No. NK7A Nakatindi resettlement area in Livingstone, a Land Rover Discovery registration No. AJE 1959 and a 70-acre plot of Subdivision A of lot 9431/M situated in Lusaka.
“The matrimonial property be sold and the proceeds be distributed as follows after taking into consideration the attendant expenses such as legal fees, tax, etc: 33.3 per cent of the proceeds of sale be given to the children of the family for their university education, 33.3 per cent be given to Maricho and 33.3 percent of the proceeds be given to the respondent (himself),” Mukata suggested.

He further proposed that the properties be evaluated within 14 days of the order of the court and that Chikwendo and Associates be the valuers of the properties, or in the alternative together with Maricho’s nominated valuer.

Mukata suggested that the properties be jointly marketed, sold and conveyed by the parties’ advocates and they shall be at liberty to charge legal fees to be split in half between the pair.

“The sale shall be on the highest offer basis, the proceeds of the sale shall be paid into the respondent’s (Mukata) client account to be held in escrow,” he proposed. “The children’s share be paid into an investment account for their university education and it is proposed that both the petitioner and respondent be signatories together with two lawyers nominated by the parties.”
In relation to the maintenance of the children, Mukata claimed he had been and was still solely responsible for all their financial needs such as clothing, school expenses, feeding and medical bills.

He stated that during his incarceration he paid the children’s school fees through his driver Matthew Mtonga who could attest to his claims.

“There is no agreement between the parties regarding the maintenance of the children of the family. My monthly expenses for the maintenance of the four children is as follows: K6,000 for food and groceries, K3,000 for their medical scheme, K10,000 for their clothing per quarter, K60,000 for school fees per term inclusive of transport, food, books and other school needs,” Mukata said. “The total expenditure comes to K79,000 which I propose should be paid by both Maricho and myself equally on a 50/50 basis until such a time that the children are independent.”

He contended that if the order of monthly maintenance for the children was not granted it would not be in their best interest as it would deprive them of their livelihood.
“It will be in the interest of justice for the court to allow the property and maintenance to be shared as proposed,” submitted Mukata.


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