….Lusaka, Zambia, 29 July 2024

THE full bench of the Constitutional Court has this morning delivered a majority Ruling in which it has decided to hear a case challenging laws that criminalize sexual relationships by persons against the order of nature.

The case was brought by activist Isaac Mwanza and the Zambia Civil Liberties Union (ZCLU) who argue that these laws go against the provision in Bill of Rights.

In a preliminary issue raised by the Court itself, the Court had to first decide if it had the jurisdiction to hear the case, since it involves interpreting provisions in the Bill of Rights and alleged contraventions of the a provision in the Bill of Rights by a subsidiary law.

The petitioners argued that the High Court can only hear cases where an individual’s rights have been violated, but not cases where a law is challenged for violation any provisions in the Constitution, which includes provisions in the Bill of Rights itself.

The petitioners argued that one of the courts between the Constitution Court or the High Court had jurisdiction to hear whether a law is inconsistent with any provisions of the Constitution, and that such a court is the Constitutional Court as provided by Article 1(5) of the Constitution.

They also alleged that the High Court has no jurisdiction either under the Constitution or the law to hear an alleged contravention of all provisions of the Constitution, which includes the Bill of Rights, by an Act of Parliament.

They argued that the recent decisions in the cases of Hakainde Hichilema and Godfrey Miyanda all point to the direction that the Constitutional Court has the jurisdiction over the entire Constitution.

They said the Constitutional Court jurisdiction is only ousted when the allegation has been raised by a person who claims it is their rights which have been violated, which is not the case in the case before the Court.

The petitioners reiterated that they not alleging any contravention of the Bill of Rights in relation to themselves or to anyone else. They contended that there would be a vaccum if the Constitutional Court had no jurisdiction to a matter where the claim alleges that provisions of the law are in breach of the Constitution inclusive of the Bill of Rights.

They submitted that the High Court jurisdiction on this matter is  it tenable because the Petitioners are not alleging that their personal rights had been violated.

But Senior State Advocate in the Attorney-General Chambers had also submitted that the matter was improperly before the Court as Article 128 of the Constitution is clear with regard to the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court.

She argued that the Petitioners were seeking interpretation of the mentioned articles of the Constitution which the Petitioners cannot do so because there was no factual basis for the said interpretation.

In arriving at the decision, the Court noted that the issues raised by the Petitioners are, on the face of it, distinguishable from the issues considered before Constitutional Court in the cited cased.

“With that in mind, we are of the considered view that the Petition raises issues that can only be determined after a full hearing of the matter,” stated the Court.

Meanwhile the Court has adjourned the hearing of an application by the Heart of Mercy Zambia, a church group, which seeks to join the Petiton as an interested party.

In written submissions, the Attorney General has opposed the application to join as an interested party. The Court has given given time for the Petitioners to make written submissions on the same application.


  1. This is where he excels, LGBT rights. His masters must be very proud of him. He is making tremendous progress in this regard.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  2. Isaac Mwanza is speaking against his consciousness and his advocacy and supporting of LGBTQ is doing so because he is looking for donor funds from Satanic donors. Zambia is a Christian nation we shall not allow mad people to bring evil and wicked thoughts of LGBTQ. All those people promoting the devil’s agenda of LGBTQ will be answerable before God Almighty. All reasonable and right thinking Zambians and the entire Church should condemn Isaac Mwanza and the Courts of Law in Zambia should not waste its time entertaining the devil with the issue of LGBTQ. Isaacs Mwanza the love of money will take him to hell fire and those stupid evil donors will not defend him before the judgment of God Almighty. Zambia is a Christian nation and the Bible does not tolerate the acts of LGBTQ.

    • The Constitutional Court has been properly moved and it has to listen to the petitioner’s argument(s). After listening, the court will make a decision. That’s how courts work. When the Constitutional Court failed to make any determination in HH’s election petition against ECL in 2016, that was judicial misconduct by the Constitutional Court.

    • When Catholics were fighting against Protestants, which side had God on it? I hv never been persuaded that homosexuality is a natural in some people. It’s dangerous and as unnatural as smoking but some people indulge in it after getting addicted. Biologically-speaking, mammals hv special organs for different cravings. Humans drink water through the mouth and not through their genitalia. The anus is an outlet for waste and not an inlet. Homosexuality is a perversion. But what’s a civilised and tolerant society to do if some want to indulge in it? That’s where the conundrum lies.

  3. This must not be allowed. Let them be doing it in secret like another known offenses – thefts, fornication, etc and once caught must be arrested

  4. If UPND and HH allow this then one yah, see what will happen.
    This white man’s disease should be left in the West. This is Africa and Zambia. Order against nature will be protected come hell or high water.

  5. From allegedly comments above, it shows Zambians in general detest satanic ways of living. Whether Isaac’s thinking is supported by the constitution or not, Satanism can never be allowed in a country like Zambia. Abash Satanism, abash LGBTQ.


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