No personal, political, or any other differences can justify the atrocious k¡||¡ng of another human being- Fred M’membe


No personal, political, or any other differences can justify the atrocious killing of another human being.

The abduction and killing of IBA director Mr Guntila Muleya in such a very cruel manner is barbarism of the highest order that should not be tolerated at all.

Where are things getting to? What has gone wrong in our homeland? What has happened to our humanity?

Every murder strikes at the heart of our humanity; it is an attack on all of us.
We are told in Matthew 5:21-22: “You have heard that it was said to an older generation, ‘Do not murder,’ and ‘whoever murders will be subjected to judgment.’ But I say to you that anyone who is angry with a brother will be subjected to judgment..”

We send our condolences to Mr Muleya’s family and friends. This is a very painful loss. All those involved in this monstrous deed must be made to pay for their crime.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. It’s hard to believe that this has come from Fred M’membe. Hatred for other human beings doesn’t just result in discrimination against them. It can also manifest itself in violence against them. The Catholic Church promoted hatred against the Jews resulting in serious discrimination against them for hundreds of years. It later culminated into genocide by the Nazi regime.

    • @Gunner I concur with you, it hard to believe these words can be from mmembe. I think this another PF scam like they did on pfidiot jj’s staged abduction.

      Afuledi Matako can’t make such a statement not with the amount of hate he holds!!!


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