over 420 civil servants have been sent home. Their removal is ethnic related- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

Broken promises

Severe attack against national unity.

When he was elected in August 2021, he pledged to work to unite the country, to avoid discrimination and to afford economic and business opportunities to all.

He has done the opposite.

● over 420 civil servants have been sent home and have been parked at Public Service Management Division. Their removal is ethnic related. We have challenged the Public Protector to publish her findings of her investigations.

● he has threatened Democracy, instituted autocratic tendencies, shrunk the democratic space and actively fostered a dictatorship.

● he wants to shut social-media spaces by initiating draconian legislation purporting to curb hate speech and lies.

● he has promoted tribal and regional appointments. This is so perverse that Sean Tembo challenged Hichilema’s appointments of persons to key positions as this is manifestly tribal and regional and therefore, an abrogation of the Constitution and the spirit and national motto of One-Zambia-One Nation.

● business people have been denied opportunities or payments for work done, on the false allegations that they belong or are affiliated to the former ruling party.


  1. All wrong doers, thieves, robbers, corrupt, inciters, instigators, non performing civil servants who are currently or planted by PF Emmanuel mwamba and others to syphone, frustrate ànd delay development have to go no beating about the bush on this one. In Infact the nunber will grow. Continue cheating the would have been repented PF cadres in government, they will all be rooted out. Be ready to assist and employ them in your propagandist company. They will have themselves to blame. Grace period for forgiveness and repentance in government has elapsed.

    Now is time for action. Cleaning and correcting time; but for you, you can continue hallucinating and your propandist style of lies..

  2. So is this the same 400+ of your members that ate and affected by your aflatoxins or this is now different?

    Bwamba walanaka ukwima nokuluka, it will not work. You were bragging how you still had your members in the system now they’re being flushed out, you STUPID PFIDIOTS!!!!!

    • As expected with the Ambassador of lies.
      Besides where is the Civil Servants Union? Where is the Public Servants Commission? If they have had the chance to explain to us we should believe this PF demagog?


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