PF In Collusion With The ECZ Are Currently Rigging The 2021 Election


December 12 2020.
Muchinga Province UPND Chairman Rev. Mathews Chilekwa says PF in collusion with the ECZ are curently rigging the 2021 election.ECZ has accepted to be the subsidiary of the PF.
Poor Zambians are on the yoke of suffering, and 2021 presented an opportunity, and hope for Zambians to choose leaders of their choice, and redeem themselves from the shackles of dictatorship, and poor governance.

Currently, Zambians are subjected to unnecessary suffering in all areas of governance:There is poor service delivery in health,education, coupled with debt burden,and lack of vision by the PF leadership.

Rev Chilekwa wondered why ECZ has rushed into registering prisoners leaving thousands of Zambians in the diaspora. In prisons, opposition political parties have no access. How can opposition political parties campaign in such a facility?. which is only accessible to Mr Kampyongo, and the PF.If the ECZ was acting honestly, the right to vote should have been extended to our brothers, and sisters in the diaspora. So one can clearly see that the motive is not to fulfil the rights of prisoners, but to have prisoners voting for PF,and thereby rig the election.

Rev.Chilekwa added that it will be difficult for Muchinga Province to accept election results because of the dishonest schemes employed by the PFand ECZ in issuance of NRCs,and voter registration exercise.

The issuance of NRCs to foreigners,and registering them as voters undermines our security, and defranchise Zambian voters.

We welcome the extension in the voter registration exercise. It would have been advantageous to all steak holders to see a continuous voter registration, taking into account the period in which this activity is taking place,and also the farming activities Zambians are engaged in during this time of the year.Our hope, and prayer is that this extension has been done in good faith.Further we feel that ECZ should have engaged all stake holders on other issues affecting the electoral process such as prison voting: What are the modalities put in place for a transparent, and fair election in these facilities?, the ECZ equipment which has constantly broken down in some selected provinces, inadequate staffing in majority of the registration centres across the country, and other pertinent issues pertaining to the entire registration process.

The, department of National Registration must consider continuous issuance of NRCs to all Zambians in the ten provinces equitably and not selective as is the case at the moment. Currently up to today, there is onspot issuance of NRCs,and Voter registration simultaneously in Muchinga, Luapula, Northern, and Eastern Provinces.

Rev Chilekwa warned that conducting such important national exercises in an imbalanced manner has the potential to divide the country, and is a recipe for civil strife.ECZ is leaving thousands of our youths on the ques without registering them.This is a violation of the right to vote.
ECZ,and and the department of National Registration must fulfil their constitutional mandate by ensuring that all Zambians who have attained the voting age are issued with NRCs,and are registered to vote
Defranchising most youths in the country may lead to social disorder in a country which is regarded as a beacon of peace in Africa.

Zambia is for all Zambians, and not only for a selected few. It’s a collective responsibility that the country flourishes in democracy, and other liberties. Hence we urge the ECZ not to eat with both hands, but be impartial in their execution of national duty.

It’s unfortunate that constitutional breaches in our governance system are happening in full view of the three arms of government ie.the Judiciary, Legislature and the Executive.The three are meant to protect the citizens of Zambia,and promote their interests. Where are Zambians going to seek redress if all these governance arms of government are quite? Zambians have been left to fend for themselves The ECZ has messed up the electoral process. We echo and support Madam Nalumango’s view that the entire ECZ staff must resign immediately for failing Zambians.

The time for ECZ,and Department of National registration to act according to the wishes of the Zambians is now,as tomorrow may be too late.
Issued by:Siame David,
UPND Information, and Publicity Secretary,
Muchinga Province.


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