….as he urges the officers to remain professional & refrain from following political instructions

Kabwe… Friday September 13, 2024 (SMART EAGLES)

Former Home Affairs Minister Hon Stephen Kampyongo says the Patriotic Front government understood the needs of the men and women in uniform and cared for them.

Hon Kampyongo says as can be seen, the PF government built descent housing units for the men and women in uniform which he said motivated them to do their duties diligently.

The PF Shiwang’andu Constituency Member of Parliament also noted that even the same Kalonga Milling Plant in Kabwe which is producing Kalonga mealie meal, was built by the previous government.

Hon Kampyongo was speaking yesterday when he featured on Cloud FM in Kabwe.

“When we were in office we thought of our men and women in uniforms. You saw the houses they were living in, including here in Kabwe. So, we built them descent houses and this made them proud. Even the Kalonga mealie meal that the people are lining up everyday to buy, it was built by the PF government. This was done because we have a heart for the people and our officers,” he said.

And Hon Kampyongo has urged officers to be professional in the discharge of their duties and not just follow political instructions.

He said even some of the cases that have been taken to court, some officers are failing to defend their actions in court because they just followed political instructions.

Hon Kampyongo further said political parties come and go hence the need for the officers to do their duties professionally.

He said it is sad that certain institutions that are there to look at the conduct and welfare of the officers such as the Police Complaints Authority and Police Service Commission are not proactive.

“So for me, it’s just to appeal to the officers to do the right thing. And I keep repeating this that, whilst you are supposed to grow the capacity of an institution like the Zambia Police Service with well educated officers who are right to take any position in terms of command structure. You can’t wake up someone who retired many years ago from the service to come back and provide a service. Because you don’t know this person could have been a carder all that time he was not working. We should have competent men and women to command the police service professionally. People should rise in ranks,” he stated.



  1. Ba Kampyongo should read Dola Siliya’s book to understand what his party was like in govt. In fact he should do self introspection, he will know the truth about himself and his fallen PF. Yes we’ve challenges and the men and women in uniform may not be that motivated but certainly there is more discence in their conduct and operations coz, no one can storm central police, their bedroom to start beating them and grabbing stuff from them. Nowadays police are in full control and can not be dared by caders. In markets and bus stops, now you can challenge anyone trying to haras you and you can see they are usually scared of the consequences. Council officers now operate freely in their jurisdictions and are able to collect atleast something towards revenue bag. What can Kampyongo really tell us, nothing, just hot air. Let him preach this to his thugs and us are done and dusted with them.

  2. Ba Stephen Kampyongo your statement is contrary to what the PF did during its rule. You treated the men in the uniform unfairly you allowed the PF thugs to attack police officers openly. PF thugs had immunity by wearing the PF regalia and putting Edgar Chagwa Lungu/ PF number plates on private vehicles. PF thugs grew bigger and powerful and the police became toothless and impotent. The police were ordered to kill innocent citizens.

    The construction of houses for the men and women
    in uniform was initiated by the MMD and strategies for food security was begun by the
    MMD which was much far better and organised than the PF government. The PF government governed the country haphazardly.

  3. Some of these people were semi gods during the PF rule, they were above the law and could do anything to any one, l remember this man bullying an old man at one of his meeting just because the man tried to ask a question, this guy made him sit down on the grass and threatened him with arrest, that was the time l realized how abusive he was, there was another guy who urinated on himself while being interrogated by this same man at the police and this guy was even laughing and enjoying every bit of the abuse,Today he wants to be a champion of the constitution, you guys are so Lucy to have HH as president, in the unlikely event that we ended up with for instance imwili, most of you should have seen hell itself


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