´Poverty shall end President Hichilema´s rule´…says opposition Media Director Antonio Mwanza

Antonio Mwanza

´Poverty shall end President Hichilema´s rule´
…says opposition Media Director Antonio Mwanza

“Insala kapondo takasala (poverty is an enemy without boundaries) when there’s hunger it’s impossible to quieten Zambians, history has shown this already in our country so President ´Sammy´ Hichilema must learn from history if he is wise,” Antonio Mwanza, HOT FM Zambia.


Mr. Antonio Mwanza, the Media Director of the main opposition party in Zambia PF says the political career of President Hakainde Hichilema shall be actualised by the ever-increasing poverty levels affecting millions of Zambians.

Mr Mwanza said the economic statistics Mr Hichilema often brags about such as single digit inflation and a stable kwacha do not matter to ordinary Zambians starving in large numbers.

“Insala kapondo takasala (poverty is an enemy without boundaries) when there’s hunger it’s impossible to quieten Zambians and history has shown this already in our country so President Sammy Hichilema must learn from history if he is wise,” said Mr Mwanza.

The PF media man told President “Sammy” Hichilema that, “You can play with fake economic stability statistic but you can’t play with food and the hunger many Zambians are feeling in their stomachs today, regardless of whether you work or not.”

Mr Mwanza said if founding President Kenneth Kaunda could fall due to poverty in 1991, what would stop Zambians from “booting” Mr Hichilema “Sammy” from office in or before 2026 because they are starving?

“Ubunga, umunani, (mealie meal and relish) plus transport is what makes the economy tick not inflation statistics and the stability of the kwacha Zambians don’t even use the dollar. This economy has collapsed and President Sammy Hichilema,” said Mr Mwanza.

Mr Mwanza said its sad that Mr Hichilema´s blind useful idiots continue to praise him even at the expense of the hunger pangs in their stomachs.
“This government has no economic plan. They have an IMF plan, the IMF is to increase fuel prices, food prices, job cuts and high electricity prices,” said Mr Mwanza.

“Nabalungusha ichalo ba UPND, they have scorched Zambia and burnt it to the ground,” said Mr Mwanza in an interview recorded live on Hot FM radio.

Below are some major takebacks from the interview:

• Campaign violence was largely responsible for PFs loss of ward elections as reported to police and ECZ

• The elections were held under a very violent UPND cloud confirmed by independent poll observers

• Police did nothing to stop the violence perpetuated by the UPND during the last controversial unfair polls

• The international community has remained mute over the violence and electoral malpractices to the surprise of the PF

• Up to 35 PF polling agents were brutalised

• ECZ is moribund with no substantive chair, vice, or CEO against the law, they can’t make decisions they are toothless said Mr Mwanza

• UPND is inherently a violent party especially endorsed by President Hichilema´s silence on violence

• Female leaders like Ms Saboi Imboela have been threatened with ´gang rape´, both President Hichilema and his vice president Mrs Witika Mutale Nalumango have remained quiet.

• Fuel prices continue to rise and pushing food prices further up for the poor Zambians

• Electricity is going up through the roof from ZESCO as it resumes load shedding ended by the PF government

Source: Hot FM, The Hot Seat.


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