Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba writes:

What we need are Police Reforms

President Hichilema Fires Deputy Inspector General of Police

In order to please his master, Deputy Inspector of Police, Milner Muyambago was personally at Mulungushi International Conference and supervised and protected the illegal Patriotic Front Extral-Ordinary General Conference that was being held there on 24th October 2024.

He deployed and supervised over 200 police officers to secure and seal the area.

He ignored regulations requiring 21-days clearance for fingerprints and security clearance and filled the form to take to Chief Registrar of Societies in the night, to attempt to change and replace office bearers of the legitimate Patriotic Front from Edgar Lungu to the newly “elected” team.

Recently a Ndola businessman Floyd Malembeka accused Muambago of refusing to pay for a tractor he bought from his agricultural equipment company.

Instead he went to Floyd’s suppliers and accused him of failing to pay for the tractors to the supplier and criminalised the entire process.

Floyd was scandalised by the Zambia Police Spokesperson, and he was given multiple criminal charges in Kabwe, Ndola, Lusaka and Kalomo and was locked up and remained detained from May 2024 until we publicised his case in December 2024.

Such cops, together with his boss, Graphael Musamba, have given a bad name to the Zambia Police.

The Zambia Police has been cited in the United States Country Report on Human Rights Practices, Human Rights Watch International, Amnensty International, United Nations Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur Report and others, accused of committing extra-judicial killings, torture of suspects, inhuman treatment, corruption, prolonged detention and other misconduct.

The Zambia Police has also been turned into a commercial venture where the Traffic Department raises funds for a senior cartel and police stations have been turned into debt collectors to pursue “obtaining money by false presences”.

Everytime I was locked up in police cells, I found many victims of commercial transactions detained until they or their relative found the money,.signed settlement agreements before the charges of “obtaining” can be dropped.

Currently the Zambia Police is the negative flag bearer of bad governance, corruption and ilegalities in the government. In police rankings across the world, the Zambia Police is cited to be amongst the worst law enforcement agencies joining countries with the lowest law enforcement rate in the World and doing poorly on the Police Corruption Perceptions Index, ranked alongside, Venezuela, Somalia, Somalia, Myanmar , Libya DRC and Mozambique.

I don’t know the reasons for Muyambago’s dismissal but this is very good riddance from the Zambia Police.

I wish President Hakainde Hichilema could use this opportunity to clean up and implement robust reforms of the Zambia Police…but we know he can’t!

He needs the Zambia Police in that rogue state to carry out dirty schemes and assignments, as done by Muyambango, against his political opponents until after the 2026 elections.


  1. So Emmanuel you’ve just opened your eyes recently to see how bad the police service is. During your PF regime you never noticed any of such bad behaviour by the police, to you all was well because it suited you. You’re such a hypocrite and shame on you. Whatever the agenda you’re pushing it shall go nowhere.

    • So Mwamba should have praised the UPND police because they were behaving as the PF police behaved? Two wrongs do not make a right Mr/Ms Concerned Citizen.
      What sort of a person looks at situations in this way?

  2. Why is Mwamba painting the Police black today? And why coming with more allegations against the former Police IG when he is removed from office.You could have reported him to his superiors than you bringing innuendoes today.The police of Zambia is even better this time a to around than what we experienced before UPND came to power.Human rights violation by the police is negligible now compared to the time of PF, where deaths by shooting was prevalent.Even young people were shot.You want even to compare Zambia to some countries where there is lawlessness.Shame be with you Mwamba.

  3. Mwamba, dont forget that your Kampyongo created a Cadre infested police set up together with Chanda the man who instructed the former PF IG Kanganja to turn the Police Service then into a Police Force when HH was detained during the Jolidays to prlobg his stay in the cells.
    PF employed what Jack Mwimbu called ‘ Junie cops’ and they are the ones you see going drunk on duty and doing all sorts of things to harass the public.
    Today you want to say it iis a UPND Police.
    Kampyongo distributed arms and uniforms to cadres to smoke HH out of his house and even defacated on his bed. Was that better Human Rights then?

  4. Used & dumped. Since madam Stella Libongani what followed has been very unprofessional policing. Lemmy Kajoba was an exception too.
    It’s time to setup oversight institutions over the police.

    For the PF, let them enjoy the bitter fruits of their labour, continue falling in the dark pit you dug for others. It’s biblical.


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