President Hakainde Hichilema says there is a partial breakthrough to the energy and drought crisis that the country is grappling with.

President Hichilema says he is confident that with the measures the government is implementing to curb the drought and energy crisis in the country, the problems will soon be arrested.

He notes that the government has been working tirelessly to ensure that the drought which has instigated food and energy security is dealt with, adding that people will soon see the solutions that the government has been working on behind the scenes.

President Hichilema states that the government has been spending sleepless nights in order to find permanent solutions to the two crises adding that stakeholders should come on board and help fight the scourge.

ZANIS reports that the Head of State said this today at State House when he met the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) members.

“ As government we have been working very hard to ensure that the problems such as the energy and the drought crisis are addressed. And when I say partial solutions, I don’t mean one bullet but a million of measures that we are putting together to arrest the two problems, and communities will soon start seeing the solutions ”, President Hichilema said.

President Hichilema says there is need for the church to dialogue with the government and join in addressing the drought and energy crisis.

The Head of State has since called on the church to continue working with the government in order to address the challenges.

“I must also take this opportunity to ask the church to continue working with the government to address these challenges”, President Hichilema said.

President Hichilema observed that drought and energy crisis are a risk to economic shutdown adding that stakeholders like the church should willingly work with the government.

And the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops President, Ignatius Chama says the church will continue working with the government to address the economic challenges.

Bishop Chama said it is for this reason that the ZCCB members have decided to meet the Head of State in order to share knowledge with the government on a number of issues patterning the country’s welfare.

“ We are equally happy to be here so that we can share knowledge on these issues that are affecting the country,’’ he said.



  1. This is how the Church should approach issues – Dialogue!
    Well done to the Catholic Church leadership for showing wisdom and maturity!
    We hope those who stayed away will reconsider their unchristian spirit of antagonizing Authority!
    Have you not read in scriptures how God directs the heart and actions of leaders?
    There is a reason the faithful are admonished to pray for leaders!
    Antagonizing Authority is dangerous because you may find yourself antagonizing the Will of God who rules in the affairs of mankind!
    He Appoints and deposes Kings!
    Best is for the church to maintain Neutral ground!


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