Chief Government Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says President Hakainde Hichilema is not satisfied with the 97 percent reduction in misappropriated fund recorded by the Auditor General’s report on Accounts of the Republic for Financial year ended December 31,2022.
The Auditor General’s report revealed a reduction in misappropriated funds from 5 million, 171 thousand, 854 kwacha (K 5,171, 854) in 2021 to 135 thousand, 207 kwacha (K135,207) in 2022.
Speaking during his maiden press briefing as Minister of Information and Media in Lusaka, Mr Mweetwa said while the achievement is commendable, the head of state is of the view that the country can still do better.
ZANIS reports that the Chief Government Spokesperson said President Hichilema has a zero tolerance stance to wastage of public resources.
“The President has told me that he as an individual and President of the Republic of Zambia, whereas us his lieutenants are happy with this record, he says he is not happy. He wants zero queries, he wants zero misappropriation. He wants zero misapplication. He has a zero tolerance posture to wastage of public resources. That is his message to the people of the nation,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mr Mweetwa has advised the Socialist Party against proceeding with their Kitwe rally despite rejection from police on the Copperbelt.
Reacting to media reports that the party will proceed with their rally this Saturday despite law enforcement not permitting them, Mr Mweetwa said that would be an abrogation of the rule of law.
“We want to urge the opposition at all times to play by the rules of law. The law currently subsisting in this country are the laws that have been in existence. This administration presently is actively involved in the pursuit of the amendment of the Public Order Act and from the business of Parliament that was announced when Parliament opened this particular session, the Public Order Act is one of those acts of parliament or bills that are at the doorsteps of Parliament therefore in terms of the law, the law is what it is and not what it ought to be, meaning presently the law has to apply as it is until such a time when amendments have to be effective,” he said.
And Mr Mweetwa said the high price of mealie meal is being addressed by the Government.
He said the same way load shedding was successfully addressed and became history, is the same way the price of the staple food will be resolved.