
Good afternoon fellow country men and women, members of the press.
Today, l am here to address three national issues.

1. Demanding more transparency and accurate information on the health condition and life of Zambia’s Chief Justice, Mr. Mumba Malila

As Patriotic Front, we are deeply concerned about the life and health conditions of our Republican Chief Justice, Hon. Mumba Malila who was involved in a traffic accident under very strange circumstances few weeks ago.
Following his tragic accident, we saw a scanty, disorganised and hurried presser by Media and Information Permanent Secretary, Mr. Thabo Kawana and other UPND officials laboring so hard to down play the accident as a minor RTA and was receiving treatment locally.

To everyone’s shock, we were later informed that Hon Malila was evacuated to South Africa because the accident was bad and his condition warranted an urgent need to seek special medical care which he couldn’t access here. Why is the UPND government so contradictory? In one minute, they are saying he is stable and recovering and the next minute, they are saying his condition has worsened and needs evacuating? Why hasn’t the police issued a proper and detailed statement? Where is the person who caused the accident? What is the condition of the driver who caused the accident? Is this person arrested or in hospital?
Zambians want clear answers on the accident and condition of their Chief Justice.

Is it true that our Chief Justice may be indisposed for over 6 months? Is government hiding some important information about the chief Justice? Is the Ministry of Justice being just and fair to the office and life of the chief Justice? What we know is that the Ministry responsible for all lives here in Zambia is Ministry of Health. But why is the ministry of health so mute on the health condition of our chief justice?

As PF, we want to appeal to the family of our chief justice to be extremely attentive to details surrounding thier relative’s condition and life circumstances because we now believe that there is more than what the eyes and ears can meet. We are also calling upon our security wings to keep a close eye on this issue and provide factual information to the public. As citizens, we demand government to provide a comprehensive statement on the status of Hon. Mumba Malila this week and the status of the one who caused the accident at hand.

2. PF’s concerns on political partners undermine President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the party’s position on alliances

As PF, we are resolved and committed to work with other like minded political parties in our quest to remove the oppressive UPND government in 2026. We believe that in 2026, we need to join hands with other political parties and stakeholders to ensure that president Hichilema is democratically voted out of power by the Zambian people. This is why PF is in the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) and will continue to be in this alliance.

The PF does not have reservations or problems to be in UKA through our party president, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu. The Sixth Republican President has PF and Zambia at heart which makes him a critical player in UKA on behalf of the party. However, the party is concerned by some UKA members who seem to be abusing and exploiting President Lungu’s availability and grace to physically interact with them.

As PF, we are sad and horrified by some known UKA members as well as leaders who have made statements that are deliberately designed to disrespect, undermine and discredit the Sixth Republican President. Known individuals from known political parties within UKA have issued voice audios and written statements either in the names of the alliance members or their proxies to discredit and undermine both president Lungu and PF. This is certainly unacceptable behavior in any political marriage!

Therefore, we want to warn our political partners to desist from issuing statements either directly or indirectly aimed at attacking and undermining the PF president. Dr Lungu is our party flag bearer and as a party, we have a brave responsibility to defend, protect and preserve him. We shall closely monitor and later assess the behavior of our political partners in UKA towards the former president and will determine future actions. PF believes in UKA and will remain UKA.

In like manner, the PF is open to engage and willing to engage with other political alliances. We have heard of “The Zambia We Want”, Perhaps Pact as well as “Tonse Alliance”. From the party point of view, we are open to all coalition options available as long as they fit into the PF agenda. That is why we are closely studying the terms of references of the Tonse Alliance as they have been shared with us and are in public domain.

Since the party has been approached to join this alliance, a task force under my office will be set up to critically review and evaluate the core objectives, membership criteria, political benefits and other relevant issues around “Tonse Alliance” in relation to PF constitution, manifesto and our 2026 political agenda. Thereafter, the party shall decide whether to join or not. This is our approach and position on all political marriages and coalition politics.

To us, this is important because Patriotic Front is most talked about party in Zambian politics today within an alliance context. The fact is that Patriotic Front remains the most attractive and formidable force to mount a worthy challenge to the UPND in 2026 than any opposition party. On any occasion, it is unrealistic to discuss a genuine alliance without the mention of PF.

Secondly, it is also clear that the Zambian people have resolved that going into the next elections they expect to see a united opposition that will take over from the UPND. And as PF we shall answer to this call and we will not disappoint the Zambian people. We as Patriotic Front are ready to partner with like minded opposition political parties that are serious and progressive in answering the call of the zambian people.

We shall genuinely participate in progressive alliances that are centered on liberating the Zambian people from the jaws of oppression and adverse suffering of our people under the leadership of Mr Hakainde Hichileme. This we are committed to, however we shall do this in an organised, responsible and accountable manner in the interest of our nation. Patriotic Front exists for contestation in elections and as such as a political party we are willing to subdue our organisational interest so long as the purpose is national interest.

3. Discipline in the party as we approach 2026.

Lastly, let me address my fellow members of the Patriotic Front on party discipline and unity of purpose. My principle is unity of purpose. Patriotic Front is the main opposition political party and the alternative govt in the country with over 50 members of parliament with structures across the country. With a huge following and sympathisers. So we are a major stakeholders. As your Secretary General my first duty main responisbility is protect and defend our institution and organise our party to be viable and attractive. That is why I was appointed and to those our brothers and sisters who thought I would be compromised on this duty you will have difficulties to deal with me, that’s why am urging all Patriotic Front members to follow procedure and laid down rules as enshrined in our party constitution. Yes we may have to enter into alliances, its part of democracy but as an SG my core duty is to make sure my party is being safeguarded and the interests of our party are promoted regardless of who we interact with. When I call you our members to order its my responsibilty as dictated by the party constitution. It doesn’t matter whether we can have internal challenges and squabbles but we should never lose focus on what our party stands for and ensuring that the party survives beyond us and our emotions. While we appreciate working relationships with other political parties, anything to do with Patriotic Front or our members must be subjected to the collective. Because one cannot wear two hats. As your SG I am going to support ideas that have been endorsed by the collective through laid down procedures and acceptable by our structures. I want people to understand this, any progressive idea which has been collectively agreed it shall be supported anything outisde that as your Secretary General my duty and responsibilty is to protect the party and our president.

I also want to thank our party president, our vice president, the Central Committee, members of parliament, mayors,councillors,the general membership including independent MPs for the resilience through this troubled waters despite the challenges they are going through for standing firm in defending our party and beyond our democracy from collapsing at the hands of this fully blown dictator. We are all aware of the schemes of the UPND govt trying to destroy our political party by sponsoring internal wrangles, has UPND forgotten what Part 7 of the constitution says about protecting and defending the rule of law and the democracy as enshrined in our constitution of Zambia.
I have faith in the power of the Zambia peoples resolve to deal with the attrocities of the UPND. UPND have tortured the Zambians and they have continued to torture the minds of PF and sympathisers because of their continued hold PF right to participate on the political discourse of this country through the Registrar of Societies and ECZ.

As a party we will defend all our elected officials from members of parlaiment, mayors and councillors who represent our party and to ensure that we retain those seats and more. As your SG am available for progressive engagement on developing and growing our party. As your SG you have my full protection and we shall not allow any schemes to undermine you and you also shall not be allowed to undermine the party.

I want to appeal to all loving members of the Patriotic Front that mean well, not to be carried away. I know that we are almost entering into a political period and our enemies will be very aggressive to create unnecessary political theories among our members of parliament in order to distract us on the bigger picture and main goal of forming govt in 2026. Let us remain united we only have one agenda to answer the clear call from the Zambian people to form govt in 2026.

I thank you!!

Raphael Nakachinda
PF Secretary General


  1. Edgar Lungu is not designed for general public issues or public advocacy. He was a man from nowhere and he’s a leader of no vision no proper direction.
    All his followers are useless opportunitists who find doing politics with Lungu, can make them survive.

    For them it’s like “NO LUNGU, NO SURVIVE”

  2. When mr nakachinda was admonishing tbe pf party members he saysHIS party i would haybe thought that the appropriate statement by a seasoned secretary general who is advocating inclusivity woukd have been OUR party.was this a Freudian slip.

  3. Chief justice personal life is none of your business. Secondly how many alliances do you want to join. So far you have mentioned three so you are just going to go with whichever alliance will choose your president as the nominated candidate for presidency in 2026. Thirdly please do not wash your dirty linen in public. We are not interested in your internal wrangles.

  4. Brother Nakachinda Mistakes were made. I sympathize with you.

    Edgar Lungu should have allowed the PF Convention to go ahead or allow Provincial Primaries to sieve the large number of çandidates who had expressed interest to lead the Party. And there was already a compromise President in Given Lubinda who could have been acçepted by all. ECL could have maintained some control of the Party as Party Chairman. MISTAKE Number 1.
    When the Mingalatoon stole the Patriotic Front using Miles Sampa, there was need for a clear and sober reflection of all the factors, and a resolute , focused strategy on how to get the party back – not the scattered , uncoordinated free for all approach.
    And worse still, in the midst of the heat of emotions, Edgar Lungu moved to the United Kwacha Alliance without any clear strategy on what happens to the Patriotic Front, and what was in the alliance for the Party. The movement to UKA was done hastely.. taking the eyes off the PF’s survival issues. No one even talks about the PF court cases.
    MISTAKE Number 2.
    The PF is the largest opposition political party with over 50 members of Parliament, mayors and councillors. Can such a big party be swallowed by Saboi?
    The only people of value in UKA are FDD’s Edith Nawakwi, Chishala Kateka, and Peter Sinkamba. Edith Nawakwi can today organize a public rally anywhere in Zambia and people will attend to listen to her. She still has political value. The PF can work with such people.
    If the truth is not confronted, I see the PF splitting up into a lot of factions… Miles Sampa on the strings of the Mingalatoon, with an overspill appendage to Robert Chabinga/Ng’ona. Mundubile”s PF with a caucus of MPs, Professor Nkandu Luo and Jean Kapata’s PF, Nakachinda and his PF, Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba’s PF, Kafwaya’s PF, Mumbi Phiri and ECL’s PF.
    The PF grassroot structures are getting tired of the lack of direction from the so called leaders. Let’s have leadership from those claiming to be leaders of the party.. What we are seeing in PF has never happened to any political party in Zambia. Something is not right. It’s not just the schemes of the Mingalatoon.

  5. Nakachinda is the useless stranded chancer. He’s a beneficiary of SANGWAPO PROJECT from the stolen money by Edger Lungu family. He’s taken the position of bootlicking to Edger Lungu by wrongly challenging the the presidency of HH.
    He makes budget for his survival by planning to issue strong statement against HH just to impress his idiot master to appreciate his evil stupidity

    But we had people like Chanda Chimba, who could insult Sata using his evil tongue just to impress Bwezani. Where’s he?

    HH is in power and Edger Lungu is out of power.

    So BE CAREFUL Nakachinda with your hollow head


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