Reduce Cost of Food…let a bag be at least K100 for 25kg, ECL Tells HH


Reduce Cost of Food, ECL Tells HH…let a bag be at least K100 for 25kgs…


Former President Edgar Lungu, the sixth President of Zambia, has advised his successor, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, to immediately cut down the price of the staple food, ‘mealie meal,’ or face the wrath of millions of starving Zambians. This call was made during a public rally in Kitwe attended by thousands of people.

“Bring down the price of Ubunga (mealie meal) to at least K100 because Zambians are starving and sleeping hungry,” former President Lungu said in front of an ecstatic, cheering, and electrified crowd. “You made promises of a ‘better life’ with timelines like ‘by 14 hrs prices will drop,’ but nothing has happened it was a lie.”

Former President Lungu, who rarely speaks directly about Mr. Hichilema, said, “This guy (HH) uwa chunsu (this one with an afro) has failed. It’s time to go. You can’t blame your predecessor for three years it’s too much. Zambians are starving and tired.”

Former President Lungu expressed his distress over the excruciating poverty levels and record high prices of mealie meal and fuel, insisting that conditions could be better for Zambians.

“I have returned to politics, and I’m better now, especially with my colleagues from UKA (United Kwacha Alliance),” Dr. Lungu said. “The difference between myself and this guy (HH) is I listen, he doesn’t. I belong to a great team at UKA with my colleagues, such as CF President Harry Kalaba. We make a great, experienced team ready to give Zambians a better life, not the misery they are living under now with HH.”

The former President added, “In 2026, given a chance, UKA will repair everything broken by HH. I am not afraid of speaking out in fact, I get annoyed at being threatened.”

The Changanamai political rally, organized by Citizens First President Harry Kalaba, a long-term serving former Minister of Foreign Affairs, is the ‘first such gathering in Zambia’ since Mr. Hichilema became President in August 2021.

Opposition political parties and civil society have faced a blanket ban on holding public rallies by Mr. Hichilema’s police chief, Graphael Musamba, without reason. However, mounting pressure forced the police to let CF become the first opposition party to hold a rally and mobilize supporters.

While former President Lungu was the headline at the Kalaba-hosted CF rally attended by thousands, other UKA leaders such as Sakwiba Sikota, Chishala Kateka, Jackson Silavwe, and others attended the ‘sold-out’ political event, even amidst threats of unrest and violence.

After exporting all the reserve stocks of maize in Zambia under Mr. Hichilema’s presidency, Zambia now has the most expensive mealie meal since independence, costing about K380 per 25kg bag.

Smart Eagles.


  1. Drama on planet earth it will never come to end Edgar lungu found mealie meal at k36 instead of reducing the price from k36 mealie meal went up to k2800 now you want your friend to reduce it to k100 while fertilizers has gone up boss.we tasted you before the only thing you achieved it was police brutality, gassing, land grabbing, thuggerism, nepotism, tribalism favoritism, cadrism, and corruption.At your time employment it was very difficult unless you pay money to a cadres only a fool can support will be remembered for killing following people nsama nsama kasongo Kaunda matapa menyani Lawrence Mugala vasper and mapezi chibulo.May I end by saying that Edgar lungu you are very stupid man.How can you stole money from widow?? Good evening bystander

  2. Ba Lungu, kusabaila nomba uku. You had seven long years to destroy the country and you did a pretty good job of it, now you expect HH to repair the damage in three years? That is like cutting down a tree in five minutes with a chain saw that took 20 yeara to grow and then planting a seedling and expecting it to grow to the same stature in 3 years.

    Tell us what method you wlll use to reduce the price of mealie meal to K100 like you are asking your friend to.

    On the whole, it is good UKWA were allowed their rally and there were no nasty incidents, proving the Police IG’s concerns about security a mere figment of his imagination. The UPND cadres also kept their distance to their credit. In the final analysis, this is a plus for our democracy.

  3. HH should just LET THEM TO SABAILA and will see if they have steam UpTo 2026. Leave UKA to campaign, they are NOT EVEN A THREAT TO UPND

  4. Don’t just say reduce the price of mealie meal to K100,tell us the formula you will use otherwise you are just making noise.Give formulas.We know your 7 year slogan you used to cripple the economy,Ubomba mwibala.

  5. The headline itself kills the entire rally. So you gathered to tell govt to bring bag of mealie meal to K100? Well, tell the farmers also. How much will you sell the bag of maize? And you think you can compare with HH with that kind of thinking. Dont waste our time

  6. “Reduce the price of a 25kg bag of mealie meal to K100”, says one shameless old man who dyes his hair. This dictator and his Paya Farmer (PF) will certainly destroy the country again if he were to be president for the third time. Is he going to peg a 50kg bag of maize at K50 for mealie meal to be sold at K100? Anyway he was addressing hungry people and those are the lies they wanted to hear in order to soothe their souls.

  7. Continue cheating and misleading them, food is not found at rallies, you have to work and produce it. The high cost of living is attributed to your economic mismanagement, you even defaulted and yet your friend is managing to pay back despite the horrible mess you left, why can’t you just keep quiet, you are just irritating the people.

    • Which people is ECL irritating? Did you see the cloud of people that went to hear him speak at the rally? Numbers don’t lie.

  8. Mr Snake / Dove at it again. My observation what I saw in the speakers at the UKWA bag politicians in Kitwe. their rally under Kalabas citizens first party,

    1. There seemed to be mixed feeling by the people in the crowd and this was seen when, Kalaba was speaking , Also when Sakwiba started talking in mwasilozi before changing to English and even Chishala Kateka.
    2. What about the snake himself? He looked discontent, his body language was just like something in it, the facial expression as usual first the anger and hatred nearly started coming out. He started his cherished words – the word nambala, words like shitina et c. His mouth and lips looked dry and seemed to be missing in words and breaking at some point. Why and What, that I don’t really know but he knows otherwise knew it himself.
    3. Really message or massages of hope? nothing tangible or offering solutions from the blunders he made, while on power but just talking on FRA maize,meal mill and fuel prices – which I know government have proper plans to handle the same including paying of the OMCs of about US$800 Which Lungu got through getting fuel on credit. Also the maize it got on credit which farmers were being cleared by the same money’s from the sold stocks. Maize was for the farmers which PF government failed to pay for their maize.
    4. Does this man have anything to do in order to offer answer is NO. Al NO. Infact it is good that they are being allowed to have some of these gathering. But the other thing I head was that this was the first rally they have had since 2021. What I don’t know is during these by- elections if they were not having rallies.
    5. But the other thing I observed was or is the usual angry and boasting.
    6. But

  9. I just feel sorry (uluse) for the illiterates and gullible of our people, how they are always taken advantage of by our self-serving Politicians. It hates!!!

  10. ECL is in a hurry to get back to statehouse.
    Not that easy.
    Time will tell between now and 2026 how
    New dawn will perform.

  11. We were once told it is a global phenomenal going on. How does prices go down like that? What formalities are you suggesting to be used? As a former head of state, Mr Lungu should be very much aware.

  12. People like ECL are the reason why Noah chose animals instead of men to enter his failed to reduce the bag of mealie meal for 7 wasteful think we are blind? No not at all! Lungu found a bag of mealie meal at highest k56 and still managed to k230.All of sadden during campaigns the bag reduced to k165,and today you are fooling us to say mealie meal was better during your time? Wait and see.

  13. No one ever talks about the K5 per litre gas ECL promised! No one questions why in the entire time ECL could not travel to tne UK. The price of staple food had already started its climb in pricing by the time ECL was leaving Plot 1! Now his call, lets say he is telling HH to lower the cost of the staple food to K100 needs to take into account a few considerations. Who are most affected with this rising cost of the staple food it’s not all Zambians but a section of Zambians living in certain areas with a certain lifestyles! Some live in privileged areas with nothing doing and wanting government to feed them through availing low cost mealie meal! First i reckon that they go back to villages of ancestral origins and tell their relatives to work hard and produce more of the staple food and that their village families accept peanuts for their produce so that the relatives in the cities some who just loiter can be supplied with cheap mealie meal simple! Government maintains food reserves for when there’s national catastrophes caused by nature not for supply to millers so why doesn’t ECL tell millers to convince our relatives in rural areas that they agree with maize priducers on so much peanuts for a 50 kg bag so that the millers will sell cheap mealie meal after a low percentage top up to cover unforseen milling machinery maintenance costs as to ensure those with most privileges in cities continue surviving through paying peanuts for all services which rural areas keep yearning for! What are the many jobles people doing in cities that they should be threatening government with the vote if they can’t be fed by government? Too much stupidity using the belly than logic? Government must stop selling FRA reserves to millers let millers source their supplies to feed processing on their own and everyone will be happy meeting their price and paying!

    • Political debate eludes Zambezi provincials! As can be seen,argumentum ad hominem is the standard response to challenging ideas.
      Thanks to Heriot University for ordering your man to respect human freedoms! He only listens to ba kuwa!!!

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  15. The production cost of a 25 kg bag of Breakfast mealie meal is at K190.00 according to ZNS. Does it make sense to sell the same at K100.00? Of course those claim to be wise would cry subsidy, subsidy. I am on the ground & do engage Small Scale Farmers, even Commercial Farmers. Let’s face it, there’s no way a Farmer who is producing our staple food continues being poor while us consumers want even government to subsidize our consumption. Despite the drought, some FISP beneficiaries are taking the 10 bags of non GMO white Maize to FRA as agreed upon. I wish I could share some of the photos I took.

  16. The production cost of a 25 kg bag of Breakfast mealie meal is at K190.00 according to ZNS. Does it make sense to sell the same at K100.00? Of course those who claim to be wise would cry subsidy, subsidy. I am on the ground & do engage Small Scale Farmers, even Commercial Farmers. Let’s face it, there’s no way a Farmer who is producing our staple food continues being poor while us consumers want even government to subsidize our consumption. Despite the drought, some FISP beneficiaries are taking the 10 bags of non GMO white Maize to FRA as agreed upon. I wish I could share some of the photos I took.


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