Remembering President Frederick Chiluba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Remembering President Frederick Chiluba

Frederick Chiluba’s first Cabinet in 1991 is said to be the most diverse and competent team ever assembled.

After 17 years of one-party democracy, Zambia reverted to multi-party democracy in 1991.

The General elections were held on 31st October 1991 to elect a President and members of the National Assembly.

These elections were the first multi-party elections since 1968, and only the second multi-party elections since independence in 1964.

The newly formed Movement of Multiparty Democracy (MMD) comprehensively beat the United National Independence Party (UNIP) which had held power since independence.

MMD got 125 seats out of a 150 seat parliament.

Following the elections, new President, Frederick Chiluba formed his first Cabinet of the Third Republic of Zambia.

Below is the full composition:

1. President – His Excellence Mr. Frederick Jacob Titus Chiluba

2. Vice President – His Honor Mr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa

3. Minister without Portfolio – Bri. Gen Godfrey Miyanda (Rtd)

4. Minister of Defence – Benjamin Mwila

5. Minister of Foreign Affairs – Vernon Mwaanga

6. Minister of Home Affairs – Newsted Zimba

7. Minister of Finance – Emmanuel Kasonde

8. Minister of Health – Dr Boniface Kawimbe

9. Minister of Agriculture – Dr Guy Scott.

10. Minister of Local Government- Michael Sata

11. Minister of Labour and Social Security – Dr Ludwig sondashi

12. Minister of Legal Affairs – Dr Roger Chongwe

13. Minister of Commerce and Industry – Ronald Penza

14. Minister of Education – Arthur Wina

15. Minister of Information – Rev Stan Kristafor

16. Minister of Communications – Andrew Kashita

17. Minister of Works & Supply – Ephraim Chibwe

18. Minister of Environment & Natural Resources – Keli Walubita

19. Minister of Energy – Alfeyo Hambayi

20. Minister of Lands – Dawson Lupunga.

21. Minister of Science Technology – Akashambatwa Lewanika.

22. Minister of Mines – Humphrey Mulemba

23. Minister of Community Development – Gabriel Maka

24. Minister of Tourism – Lt. Gen Christon Tembo (Rtd)

25. Minister of Sports – Baldwin Nkumbula


  1. His first term was excellent. Then he got rid of all the ex-UNIP old guard who were steering the MMD (and keeping him in check) in order to pursue the ill-fated 3rd term bid. And then things began to fall apart. The current problem of regionalism and tribalism can somewhat be traced to the 3rd term purge of all perceived opponents. It ruptured the notion of one zambia one nation. For what? Only him could have answered but he went to the grave with the explanation. The case of FTJ is a lesson to politicians to leave stage whilst the crowd is clapping. Beware of bakandile!


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