RESOLVE ILLEGALITIES BEFORE YOU LET MILES SAMPA EXERCISE POWERS…You risk legitimizing his illegal position- Sensio Banda



…You risk legitimizing his illegal position…


Illegalities should never be condoned, regardless of the individual or organization involved, whether it is the UPND, PF, or any other group. As Zambia functions as a constitutional democracy with a multi-party system, it is essential to adhere to the rule of law to ensure all party activities are conducted within legal boundaries. Upholding these principles fosters accountability and fairness in the political system.

The PF party has been openly known to be embroiled in internal disputes, leading to the formation of two factions aligned with Former President ECL and Matero Member of Parliament MBS, respectively.

The faction aligned with the Matero lawmaker held a conference and elected a supposed leader. Questions were raised regarding the validity of the conference according to the PF constitution. Subsequently, when the installed faction leader made appointments of the Leader of the Opposition and related Whips in Parliament, stakeholders pointed out the violation of relevant constitutional provisions and parliamentary standing orders. However, Speaker of the House recognized the appointments made by the faction leader as legitimate. This sparked further debate on the adherence to constitutional and parliamentary procedures regarding political appointments.

By validating these appointments, the government inadvertently allowed internal disputes within the PF party to influence parliamentary affairs, prompting questions about transparency and integrity in the democratic process in parliament.

Recently, there has been an interesting development in the PF party, as a communique on social media suggests that the two factions have come to a compromise. This is a promising step for democracy, especially since the PF is the largest opposition party in Zambia. However, there has been a new development as the faction leader, who is also the member of parliament for Matero, has made changes to the office bearers of Secretary General and Deputy. Furthermore, new appointments have been made for Leader of the Opposition and related Whips in parliament, which goes against the previous stance on illegalities.

The other faction’s acceptance of these appointments raises concerns about the consistency and integrity of the PF in upholding the rule of law within internal politics. How does the PF justify the appointment of parliamentary office bearers by a member deemed illegitimate as PF President, especially when the constitutional court has ruled that Hon. Brian Mundubile remains a substantive office bearer?

While the reconciliation initiative is appreciated, it is important to ensure that personal agendas and illegal actions do not disrupt the process. Doing so could lead to unintended consequences and lengthen the reconciliation timeline. The PF party should have prioritized resolving legal and internal obstacles to reconciliation, rather than making insignificant appointments. By accepting appointments that are reportedly unlawful, the PF is jeopardizing its credibility when it comes to addressing constitutional and human rights violations by the UPND. The PF must navigate this situation carefully to maintain integrity and effectiveness in their efforts for reconciliation.

When striving for justice and upholding democratic values, it is imperative to avoid partaking in illegal actions to achieve political goals. Adhering to the principles of law is critical in promoting transparency, accountability, and political equality. It is important to always differentiate between right and wrong, without any exceptions or justifications.

The Struggle Continues

Sensio Banda
Former Member Of Parliament
Kasenengwa Constituency
Eastern Province


  1. Miles is taking a big risk which if he does not think through will end up with him under the bus, PF has not forgiven him and once they consolidate, a sucker puch will eventually be unleashed by the same grouping to finish him off, all what they are waiting for is to weaken him and use the central committee to bury him. These guys are working smartly and very soon they shall have the last laugh, watch this page. Miles will soon very soon be gotten rid off. ECL is a serpent as confirmed by himself. Very soon mile will cry ati wanyeka minzi

  2. Mr Banda sir, Mr Sampa and ba ECL do differ and do reconcile.This is not the first time sir.Mr ECL was hand picked at Mulungushi Rock of Authority you remember an individual just shouted “who does not want ECL?” Some people got frightened and we’re quiet and he changed the question “or may I say who wants ECL people shouted affirmatively and while raising hands some raised two hands to symbolize huge number of support.Then they shouted he is the one and whisked ECL and bolted.They then rushed to Lusaka and it was week end if Iam not mistaken and got an injunction to restrain the other group from holding elections and this left the acting President Mr Guy Scott standing at akimbo perplexed, astounded, astonished,flabagasted and very surprised indeed.Mr Sampa and others lost the election.But later they all reconciled though Mr Sampa formed his party.Later he went back to his uncle’s party PF after reconciling with the party.He managed to reclaim presidency to the amazement of other PF members and sympathisers.This reconciliation is not the first life goes on sir

  3. Mr Sensio Banda, you are talking as if you have just fallen from outer space…Who doesn’t know the Hakainde – Miles Sampa Project, and the Mingalatoon’s schemes to destroy the PF , which have now fallen flat ? Who doesn’t know what has been happening in our courts concerning Miles Sampa’s illegalities.
    You should thank the PF MEMBERSHIP. The PF grassroots held firm , and Miles Sampa ‘ s position became untenable.
    The Mingalatoon gave Miles Sampa everything. He gave him the Presidency of PF through an illegal assembly..and backed it up with state police protection. Sampa was given the police. He was given the National Assembly. The speaker was under his control. The clerk of the National Assembly was dancing to Sampa’s whims.
    He was given the Registrar of Societies office… Whoever was against Miles Sampa found him/ herself out of the office.
    He was given the state media…ZNBC, Zambia Daily Mail and Times of Zambia were in Miles Sampa’s pocket…and the state house rogue media Koswe and Watch dog were all under Sampa.
    Talk of our courts! No courts could rule against Miles Sampa. All court cases were either disposed off on vague preliminary issues or are gathering dust in some desk.
    The man was even given the Electoral Commission of Zambia! No PF candidate could participate in Elections in Zambia without Miles Sampa.
    The Mingalatoon destroyed the credibility of our democratic Institutions through a useless scheme to steal the patriotic front…Now the Monster he created will turn against him..
    In Political Party Politics leave State Institutions out…let the vagrants move from party to party changing their Fitenges… but leave the state out..
    Immediately you involve the state, you will dance pelete when the chickens come home to roost. The Naivety of the Mingalatoon.

  4. Within PF criminal party we have got Emmanuel mwamba who killed Fredrick Titus mpundu Jacob chiluba kafupu what more about miles sampa is going to die like rat the guys they have already calculated the next move,sampa stop sleeping.


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